27 cents sealed the deal


Does kindness always have to be a Coincidence?

I stepped out of my car and something shiny caught my eye. I bent down and picked up one quarter and two pennies. Yep... twenty-seven cents. I have seen people toss out their change because they don't want to carry it around in their pockets. (Need room for that good ole cell phone, I guess...).

Whatever....Well, I will even pick up just a penny if I see it. Ya' never know when it comes in handy...plus...it's good luck to find a penny ! Anyway, after picking up the change, I walked into the grocery store to do some shopping. Finally checking out, I noticed a very pleasant elderly man behind me counting his money for his purchase. He appeared distressed, so I asked him: Do You Have Enough? He looked up at me and said: I'm OK....except for twenty-seven cents short. I chuckled to myself that the change I had found in the parking lot was becoming a short-lived prize.

Coincidence? Maybe. But I'll never forget it and neither will the fella who gladly accepted it with a tear of gratitude. Amazing...twenty-seven cents....

I've helped folks before if they were short on milk money....or needed clothes, shoes, used furniture or a ride to the doctor's office. When we had the Trading Post...sometimes a customer wouldn't have quite enough money to pay for their purchase. I would reduce the price a bit....just so they could go home with their hand-picked treasure from the Barn. It feels great to give !!

There's another kind of need out there....a need for a hug, a smile, a visit or a long overdue phone call. There is always a list available of elderly patients
in the nursing homes who have no one visit them...ever. Maybe you are just as lonely as they are. Go for it...a friend is waiting for you.

If you happen to see a soldier in uniform...do you thank them for their services. I do. We both walk away with a happy heart and a lump in our throat.

Be kind to your children. When they do a good job...congratulate them...NOTICE THEM. I see mothers pick up their little ones at school....after a long
day at school...these children expect a greeting and a hug...instead Mom is on the Cell Phone and merely signals for them to get into the car. Good grief ! You brought them into this world... be responsible...cherish such a gift...and of all things: BE A GOOD EXAMPLE. When you question your Teenager over a certain unsavory event...Give them a chance to Answer before you speak. Yes, raising a family is a challenge...just make sure you offer them time and attend their school and sports activities. (P.S. Leave your cell phone AT HOME !!).

Another thing: Love your Pets. Uncle Festus is such an animal lover. He even feeds the neighbor's pets if they look too skinny. (So, do I.) Festus tells Martha: If I die, the DOG gets everything !! Martha tells me: He may not have lost all his marbles...but there's definitely a hole in the bag !

Clarence tells me that: Physically, Festus is here....but mentally he's in a galaxy far far away. Clyde chimes in with: If stupid could fly...he'd be a JET. Poor Festus, he takes so much abuse...

Aunt Patsy did a kind thing the other day and arranged a blind date for her 85-year-old mother with a 96-year-old gentleman. After the date, her mom returned home all in a huff. She told Patsy: Do you know that I had to slap that guy four times? Patsy asked: Oh, Did he get fresh? Mom said: Heavens no ! I had to keep making sure he was still alive !! Poor Patsy...she did TRY to do a good deed.

I always give my Doctor holiday cards throughout the year. I just gave her a Valentine the other day and she said something I will never forget. She said: You know, Savannah, I have kept every single card you have ever given me. WOW...did that ever make me happy !!

My mother is in a retirement home in Georgia near my sister. She is 93. Her speech has become jumbled and she can't always find the right words to express herself. I have started to bring up the past to her...relatives, our old home, funny things Dad used to say and do, her friends long ago....she relaxes and laughs and all about the past....with NO speech problems. Clear as day. Memories seem to be the best therapy.

I remember way back in my high school days...I had a good friend, Susie Springsten, who was blind. I would always have her on my arm walking down the hall to classes and I would give up my study halls in order to read to her and help her with homework. No one else bothered. Oh well, their loss...Susie is now a Professor at the Blind Institute of Illinois.

My husband J.D. works with the Feed America First Organization in Woodbury every Saturday. He hands out food to the needy. He says it: Makes Him Happy!! Our friend, Bobby Hale contributes his time as well. It's super to have such nice friends who care so much for others.

Country singer, Randy Travis had a serious stroke a while back. He can no longer perform or even play his guitar. His country singer friends could have ditched him and chalked him up to useless and no good....but instead they hosted a huge concert in his honor.

That Nashville bunch is one tight circle of friends. They wheeled Randy up on the stage and he perfectly sang Amazing Grace. The crowd went wild ! The smile on Randy's face was from ear to ear full of appreciation and love. He knew then that he will never be forgotten by friends and fans. There wasn't a dry eye before the night was over !!

Well, the point that I have tried to make is that we are ALL family here on earth. When we can, please help others...even if it's with only twenty-seven cents! Always have that ever-famous Tennessee SMILE ready, offer a HUG, make a Howdy-Do PHONE CALL, send those GREETING CARDS or COOK a little extra for dinner and take it over to a neighbor who lives all alone.

The time and cost is minimal to do a kind act....it's the overall reward of the warmth in your heart and the pride that you have made a difference in someone's life...in your community...for your nation.