Adams Library highlights holiday events

Ho! HO! Ho!
Attention kids! Santa and Mrs. Claus, have let us know that they will have time to stop by the library Tuesday, December 13, from 4:30-6 pm! Tell Mom and Dad to bring their camera or phone for pictures. Be sure to look for the Elf on the Shelf and enter in the Elf drawing.

The Elf on the Shelf comes to the library!
This December the library is going to play Elf on the Shelf. Come to the library from Friday, December 9, through Saturday, December 17, to look for the Elf.
Where will he be? What book is he reading?
Look high and low for our Elf and be sure to fill out a slip for drawings. Drawings for children and adults will be held on Monday, December 19. The elf will be in a different place each morning and remain there all day.
Come in, find the elf, fill out a slip, and enter a drawing. One entry per day; the more days you come in, the more chances to win. All ages are welcome to play.

Board of Trustees Meet
The Cannon County Board of Trustees announces a change to its By-Laws. At the next meeting, Thursday, December 8, at 4 p.m. in the Jennings Community Room, the Board of Trustees is to approve meeting every other month rather than monthly. The public is welcome.

Friends of the Library Book Sale
The Friends of the Library Book Sale is in full swing. There are bargains galore! Our Elf is lowering the price during his visit December 9-17. All adult hardbacks will be Buy One, Get One Free while the Elf is here. Children's hardbacks are just 5 for $1.00.

Winter Weather and Items Due
As winter months progress, ice and snow become a possibility. Please remember that the library is usually closed when the schools are closed. Any items due on a day the library is closed because of the weather will not incur any fines. Additionally, if your road is too icy, let us know and fines will not accrue. Please don't rush to the library to return anything if you can't make it safely to our door. If you are unsure if we are open, please call 615-563-5861 for information.

Library Holiday Closings
Both library outlets will be closed for the holidays Saturday-Wednesday, December 24-28, and Saturday-Monday, December 31-January 2. We will be open Thursday-Friday, December 29-30, regular hours. The staff wishes all of you the best during the Holidays and for the New Year!