Posted on:
December 14, 2010
Low pressure will develop over the Southern Plains and track east toward Tennessee on Wednesday. Moisture will be drawn northward ahead of the low beginning Tuesday night, and with very cold air in place across the mid-state another round of wintry precipitation is expected.
Posted on:
December 14, 2010
Cannon County Schools will be closed Wednesday, December 15th 2010. Barbara Parker, Director of Schools. Also, both the Adams Memorial Library and the Auburntown Branch Library will be closed on Wednesday, December 15th due to the predicted freezing rain. Again, library materials previously due on December 13th, 14th, and 15th,
are now due on December 16th.
Posted on:
December 14, 2010
Adams Memorial Library in Woodbury will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a shortened Tuesday schedule due to the hazardous road conditions. Library materials due on December 13,14, and 15 have automatically been reset to be due on December 16 without fines for these days of bad weather.
Posted on:
December 14, 2010
NASHVILLE – Winter won’t officially arrive until December 21, but parts of Tennessee are already experiencing cold, hazardous weather. The Department of Health is reminding Tennesseans to take common-sense precautions to stay safe and healthy during cold weather.
Posted on:
December 14, 2010
KEVIN HALPERN, Courier Co-Editor
Three persons pled guilty Tuesday in Cannon County General Sessions Court to the charge of simple possession of marijuana. Susan Melton served as the presiding judge.
Posted on:
December 14, 2010
A wintry mix of sleet... freezing rain... and possibly a a light snow... will begin by late this morning or early afternoon... and continue through the rest of the day.