Ms. Betty Ann Alexander, 75, of Woodbury died July 21, 2011. She was born October 4, 1935 in Woodbury, TN.
Mr. John "Mickey" Eaglen, 48, of Beechgrove died July 19, 2011. He was born on March 25, 1963 in Maryville, TN.
ALEXANDRIA — DTC TV is proud to announce their plans to LIVE WEB STREAM selected area high school football games this season on WWW.MYDTC3.COM.
A Woodbury man who has been a frequent visitor to Cannon County courts in the last year finds himself in legal trouble again.
Meet and greet the 2011 Cannon County High School Football team at the upcoming Ice Cream Social for Sunday, July 31st from 2 to 4 at the Cannon County High School Football Field House.
NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s Natural Heritage Program, in partnership with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, is conducting a field study to determine the geographical extent of the Short Mountain crayfish (Cambarus clivosus) in Cannon and DeKalb counties.
Cannon County General Sessions Court Judge Susan Melton swore in local attorney Kyle Williams as the county's newest Judicial Commissioner during a ceremony at the Cannon County Courthouse Tuesday, July 19.