Well according to last week's column, school was "back in session" but due to the disappointment (I'm sure) of the students, faculty and employees, snow and ice kept us out for an extra 4 days. Friday school buses were run on their "snow routes". My route was much shorter as I could not run Sycamore due to the north side of Hawkins Hill which never sees the sun!!
According to God's Word in Ecclesiastes chapter 3, there is a season for all things and P-pa and I have reached another season in our lives. Our farming days to include cutting, raking and rolling hay is behind us and we are on to new things. We have labored all of our married life (currently 49 years) looking after mostly beef cattle but at one time we had a small hog business; however, due to his health we are going to enjoy the next season of our lives which began this past week.
P-pa was hospitalized Wednesday night for a bad urinary tract infection which led to a high level of sugar. If you saw an ambulance at our house that night, it was due to the fact he had gotten down on the floor. We thank each person who responded to our need and it was a very quick response by our neighbors as well as the ambulance service. We also thank those of you who supported us in prayers, calls and/or visits. Although he is still hospitalized at the time of this writing, it is a very real possibility he will be home by the time you read this.
Due to the above this is a short news article and I thank the Courier for allowing me some extra time to get it in.
Now it's time for birthdays and anniversary wishes.
On the 16th Tyler Hickey, Jack Campbell, Pearl Hale and Catie Adams celebrate another year (wow, Catie are you really 18 or do I have my year wrong!) John Moore and Crew Zimmer (his 6th) celebrate the 17th. Tim Reed, Alison Higgins and S.E. Hale should get their cake and ice cream on the 18th. Happy birthday to each of you.
It was January 16th, 2004 when Donna Owen became the bride of Jim Sherrell. Congratulation and may you have many more years of happiness.
If you have news for this column, please e-mail me at, or call 464-4310 and leave a message if no answer.