Our sympathy to the loved ones of Susie Mai Cooper Moulder who passed away the 23rd. Although she made her home in Woodbury, she was a native of this community graduating from Auburn High School.
Sorry to hear that Robert Fletcher has spent several days back in the hospital with some heart problems.
Rita Davis was finally able to get one new knee last Wednesday at St Thomas Rutherford (what a name!). She is doing well and excited to see how she can walk with a new knee and lots of less pain!
Congratulations to Danny and Teresa Kennedy on the birth of a new grandson. Little Noah Cooper Farless weighed in Monday the 24th at 7 lbs, 13 oz. and measured 20" in length. His proud dad and mom are Chris and Tika Farless. They live in Hawaii.
Jennifer and Wade Duggin were in Ft Leonard Wood, MO, recently to attend the graduation of son, Will Bailey, from basic training.
Todd, Susan and Lauren Turney have returned home following a little vacation time in Orlando, Fl. The real reason they were there was for Lauren to run in the 2014 Disney Princess Marathon held at The Magic Kingdom. She was 1 of 19,000!
On March 4th Bill and Barbara Asbury will celebrate their 60th Anniversary. They were married in 1954 after he came home from the Korean War. This union was blessed with 2 children, Beth Haught of Appomattox, VA and Bob Asbury of Murfreesboro. Nine grand-children and 5 great-grandchildren joined the family circle. Following retirements from teaching in the Ohio school system in 1987, they decided they needed a quieter life and moved to the calming hills of Tennessee. Although the Asburys make their home in Readyville, they attend Auburn Baptist Church. Congratulations to this "young" couple on their 60th.
It was another successful B-Team Tournament. The Woodland Lady Warriors took home the girls' winning cake and the Westside Eagles ate the boys' trophy cake. Congratulations!
Several members of Auburn Baptist Church worshipped Sunday the 23rd with residents of the Woodbury Nursing Center.
Katherine Willard, Ladye Allen and Josh Osborne begin our birthday list this week when they celebrate the 6th. The 7th belongs to Dwight Saddler and Mary Beth Patterson. Marsha Kraft, Tammy Joyce and Betty Jane Barrett get their cake and ice cream the 8th. Darlene Davenport Gilliam celebrates hers the 9th. Finishing up the week on the 11th are Travis Turney, Justin Gilley and Joyce Dutton. Happy birthday you all!
It was March 7th, 1953 when Ruth Patrick decided she wanted to be Mrs. Marvin Davenport. Thirteen years and 5 days later on March 12th, her sister, Betty, took Thomas was her last name when she and Terry tied the knot. Happy anniversary to both couples.
If you have news for this column, please e-mail me at, or call 464-4310 and leave a message if no answer.