Cannon County cross-country coach Marc Larson will be getting paid for the outstanding job he has done with the program in just its second year of existence.
The Cannon County Board of Education unanimously voted to pay Larson a stipend of $1,500 for his role as boys and girls cross-country coach during its regular monthly meeting at Woodbury Grammar School Thursday (Nov. 8).
Prior to this vote the cross-country coach did not receive a supplement; however, the board agreed to take the stipend set aside for a second assistant football coach that was not used in 2012 and use it for the cross-country coach.
Board member Chris Blackburn made the motion for the stipend to be used to pay Larson for his services as cross-country coach this year and then to revisit the issue to add the supplement in next year’s budget. The assistant football coach stipend will only be used for cross-country this year.
“As long as this does not take away from the other staff I see no reason not to award this stipend to (Larson) for the work he has done with the cross-country program,” Daniel said. “I just want to make sure we are not saying we are taking this stipend from another sport.”
Members of the board agreed.
“We are only awarding this stipend for this year as far as taking it from the assistant football position that was not utilized this year,” Blackburn said. “Next year football will have that stipend and we should revisit this in terms of adding it into the budget for 2013-14.”
Football currently receives three stipends – one for the head coach and two for assistant coaches.
In what was a brief agenda, Director of Schools Barbara Parker gave a report on the recent release of the State Report Card for Schools. The Cannon County Schools System received passing marks and demonstrated growth in almost every area, including graduation rate and attendance at Cannon County High School. In fact, Cannon County High School’s attendance rate of 94.6 percent is above the state level (93 percent). The system showed growth in math, which was a point of emphasis last year. (The Cannon Courier will have a full report on the Schools Report Card in the Nov. 21 edition).
The Board of Education also unanimously approved bids for pest control and fire extinguishers, going with the low bid in both instances.
The next Board Meeting Workshop will be at the Central Office at 6 p.m., Dec. 11, and the next regular Board Meeting will be Dec. 13 at 6 p.m., at Woodbury Grammar School.