One final look before the final vote Tuesday on the 2019-2020 fiscal year budget for Cannon County Government is tonight for the recessed meeting of the Cannon County Commission. While most of the county departments stayed close in expenditures from the previous fiscal year, big ticketed items this go around included increases in the Sheriff's Department and Jail mostly to hire and retain employees with both, The County also will be adding the new fully funded county finance department this fiscal year as well.
All the expenditures for the new fiscal year have basically been approved. If the Commission wants to make any cuts they'll have to rescind motions and revote.
The budget is expected to be taken for one collective final vote on Tuesday after a public hearing. Commissioner Kim Davenport called for the hearing after the commission decided to fund the expenditures with a 16 cent property tax increase. Davenport read from a prepared statement to set the wheels in motion for the optional public hearing Tuesday. A public hearing is only required if a property tax is increased during a reappraisal year.
The final look meeting will take place tonight at 5:30 in the courtroom of the Cannon County Courthouse.