Horse Night is scheduled for Thursday, March 13th at the Woodbury Lions Club Building. Lew Strickland, Veterinarian with the University of Tennessee Extension will discuss "First Aide for Horses. Horse night is sponsored by the Cannon County Walking Horse Association.
Horse Night will begin at 6:30 and open to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or veteran status. Please feel free to attend and let us know of any topic you would like to see included in our Farm School/Cow Colleges in the future. In the event of severe weather, listen to WBRY radio, or Help spread the word, bring a friend or neighbor to Farm Family School! For more information please contact the Cannon County Extension Office at 563-2554.
Farm Day Scheduled for May 9th
The 12th Annual Farm Day hosted by the Cannon County Farm Bureau and University of Tennessee Extension is scheduled for Friday, May 9th at the Cannon County Fairgrounds. Farm day is a fun filled, exciting opportunity for 4th graders throughout the County. This hands-on event will give them a feel of life on the farm. 4-H'ers will see and learn about exciting things such as: Animals, Animals, Animals!!!, Creek Creatures, Forestry, Planting Plowing and Harvesting, Farm Equipment, Barnyard Olympics, Soils and much more.
Farm Day "Barnyard Olympics" began in 2012 which gave kids a chance to experience some of the things that farmers face each day, such as stacking hay, fencing, and carrying water and feed to livestock. Congratulations to Ms. Christie Wilson 4th grade class for being named the 2013 Farm Day Champion.
Local farmers are welcome to attend the annual "Kick Off" which includes a farmer's breakfast beginning at 8:00 A.M. Of course, the event would not be possible without the continued support of the Community. Please feel free to drop by and enjoy the activities and our way of celebrating Agriculture in Cannon County. For more information, contact Lou Nave 970-8065, Shirley Dennis 563-4123 or Bruce Steelman at 563-2554.