Cannon County Farmers Market will open Saturday, June 5 at 6:00 a.m. at Rite Aid parking lot in Woodbury.
Market participants recently met and established an advisory board to assist with grant proposals and interacting with the Cannon County Extension Office. The CCFM advisory board consists of Ben Olsen, Elrena Parton, and John Blount.
The CCFM is open to anyone selling farm raised fruit and vegetables to the public. A growers permit is required if you plan to participate in a Farmer's Market. A grower's permit are available at the farmers market, Cannon County Extension Office located at 614 Lehman Street.
There is no charge to participate at the CCFM and no pin hooking is permitted.
For more information contact Bruce Steelman and\or Carla Bush at the Cannon County Extension Office at 563-2554.