Downtown Woodbury organizations and businesses are invited to build a scarecrow and help decorate the historic square for fall.
Decorating brings people to the square and shows community pride. There is a $5 fee which will be used to pay the prize money of $100 for the winning scarecrow.
There are 20 lamp posts around the square that will be available, so participants are asked to register today. Scarecrows cannot be over 7 feet tall or 3 feet wide and they will remain in place for the month of October.
All scarecrows must be family oriented, they will be attached to the lamp posts. Scarecrows will be set up Oct. 1 through Oct. 5, first come, first served as far as location.
Scarecrows On The Square is sponsored by the County Executives Office, call Diane at 563-2320 if you plan on participating