By Bonnie Stacy
Hazel Alexander and Linda King visited Earline Williams on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sissom returned on Monday after visiting his son and family in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Jack and Jane Vickers from Huntsville, Alabama, attended the singing at Ivy Bluff on Sunday. They spent Sunday night and Monday with Barbara Bailey.
Shirley Atnip treated her family to breakfast at O'Charley's in Manchester on Mother's Day.
Pam Youngblood took her mother Betty Duke to breakfast at the Cracker Barrell in Manchester on Saturday. They visited Don and Linda Mullins before coming home.
Betty Duke had lunch with her daughter and son-in-law Sandy and Bruce Lewis on Mother's Day in Manchester Bruce's mother also enjoyed lunch with them.
Bonnie Stacy and Megan McAllister had breakfast at the Cracker Barrell in Manchester on Saturday.
Sheree and Woody Floyd and Violet Smith and their family had lunch on Sunday in Bell Buckle. All enjoyed a good meal together.
Before we take advantage of opportunities and privileges, we must first remember our responsibilities.
Isn't it true- you usually have time to do the things you want to do.