The Hilton Stone Post 279 of the American Legion met in regular session Thursday night at the Senior Citizens Building in Woodbury.
After opening the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance and Creed, Commander Britt Knox recognized the visitors that were present. Legion members from Post 78 in Manchester are part of the Legion Motorcycle Riders they came to answer any questions about forming a riders division here in Woodbury.
Jennifer Duggin just returned from Iraq, she was invited to join Post 279. She has been home for a month and will go back to work on Monday. Duggin is a full time National Guardsman and is attached to Supply and is a member of the Air Calvary. Members stood as the Commander introduced her. Good Luck to Jennifer, happy to have her home.
Members of Post 279 were invited as being a part of the Color Guard to honor former Senator and Statesman Howard Baker Jr. where he was presented the American Spirit Award for service to his country, not only in Washington but as his duty on a PT boat in WWII.
On new business, member Dan Bowling reported to the members that the Post had the use of a 28 by 10 trailer that will be used on fundraisers for the Legion. It is already set up for cooking and has a generator for power if there isn’t any available.
He also reported that due to the fact that it is too late for the Post to get everything ready for selling food at Good Ole Days we will be using it as a recruitment office during the festivities at the Fairgrounds. The booth will also be set up for future ventures during July and Memorial Day.
The Commander has set a special meeting to be held on the 11th of May to ready ourselves for volunteering for work at the Good Ole Days. The meeting will be taking place at 6:00 pm at the Senior Center; there will be no supper that evening. Colonel Jim Stone advised the members that there will be a C-130 flying over the Good Ole Days festivities on Saturday.
On Memorial Day there will be readings at the Nashville Military Cemetery as well as the National cemetery of all the names of the veterans and regulars that had been added this year.
At the next regular meeting State officers of the American Legion will officially swear in the Officers and Executive Committee of Post 279. The Commander will be Britt Knox, The First Vice Commander is Bob Eisenmann, Second Vice is Ron Lewis, Third Vice is Carole Johanson. The adjutant is Penny Daniels, the Sergeant at Arms is Christine Barrett and Jim Stone is the Acting Chaplain. Jim Stone, Bob Stoetzel and Charlie Harrell are on the Executive Committee.
The meeting was then adjourned until the 11th of May and the 21st of May for the regular meeting.
By Bone
A RESOLUTION to honor and congratulate the members of American Legion Hilton Stone Post 279 of Woodbury.
WHEREAS, it is fitting that the members of this General Assembly should pause in their deliberations to pay tribute to those exemplary organizations and their individual members who give unselfishly of themselves, their time, and their talents to perpetuate the public good; and
WHEREAS, recently receiving their organizational charter from the national headquarters of the American Legion, the newly formed American Legion Hilton Stone Post 279 is most assuredly one such extraordinary group deserving of praise and commendation; and
WHEREAS, since its inaugural year in 1919, the American Legion has grown to more than 3 million members; comprised of veterans from every war and military action since World War I, the American Legion is the largest wartime veterans group in the nation; and
WHEREAS, since its founding, the American Legion has stood for the values enshrined in the Constitution and symbolized by the red, white, and blue; and
WHEREAS, the newly chartered post located in Woodbury, Tennessee, was named in honor of Master Sergeant Hilton Stone, United States Air Force; and
WHEREAS, entering the U.S. Army in 1932, he served heroically and honorably in the Army Air Corps and later in the United States Air Force when it was formed as a separate branch ofthe U.S. military in 1947; and
WHEREAS, he served this nation with honor and distinction for many years, originally in the horse cavalry at Fort Oglethorpe, and later as a food service supervisor, managing several mess halls around the country, including the Officers Open Mess at Camp Wheeler, the Consolidated Mess Hall at Langley Field, the Consolidated Mess Hall and the Officers Open Mess at Stewart Air Force Base in Smyrna, Tennessee; and
WHEREAS, during his last years in the military, he served as an exemplary recruiter in Middle Tennessee for the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force; he was honored with induction into the prestigious United States Air Force Million Dollar Club in recognition of his efforts and remarkable accomplishments in recruiting; and
WHEREAS, the twenty-one Charter Members of Post 279 are Danny D. Bowling, Jimmie B. Adcock, Penny K. Daniels, Ronald L. Lewis, Michael Todd Reed, Grady S. George, Jeffery S. Powell, Britt A. Knox, James N. Lassiter, Keith A. Daniels, Billy Clay White, Chaney Frank Stone, Ronald K. Timmons, Sam S. Bone, Sr., James E. Stone, William L. Tidweil, Robert E. Stoetzel, Charles F. Harrell, Ronald O. Hayes, Bobby Earl Ferrell, and Randy A. Gerdes; and
WHEREAS, for over ninety years, the American Legion has stalwartly supported various public service groups, and written, proposed, and lobbied legislation to benefit veterans and support our forefathers vision for this country; and
WHEREAS, Legionnaires are proud of their organization and its constant vigilance to uphold the core values of our nation—liberty, justice, respect, and equality; and
WHEREAS, Legion members have remained true to their founders‚ "vision of a long-standing commitment to America‚" veterans, a vision that is consistent with the first rule of battle, "We will not fail those with whom we serve"; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate that the members of this legislative body should honor the esteemed members ofthe newly formed American Legion Hilton Stone Post 279; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDRED SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, that we hereby honor and congratulate the members of American Legion Hilton Stone Post 279 of Woodbury, Tennessee, upon their recent formation and receipt of their organizational charter from the American Legion national headquarters.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we commend the members of American Legion Hilton Stone Post 279 for their meritorious service to the veterans of the United States and extend our best wishes for a long and productive future and much continued success in all their endeavors.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an appropriate copy of this resolution be prepared for presentation with this final clause omitted from such copy.