Letter: Courier has right idea about Forrest

To the Editor:

The November 18 issue of the Courier contained an excellent report on the issues surrounding Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest including his efforts on behalf of the citizens of Cannon County. His heroic actions against the union troops in Murfreesboro saved the lives of many Cannon County men. A man of his time, he lived his life as best he knew and when mistaken, he did his best to correct it.

I think you and Mr. Fryar have an excellent idea to write the Governor a letter offering a most appropriate home in Cannon County for the bust of General Forrest. All things considered we owe his memory a debt and the current political situation offers us the opportunity to honor that debt.

Mr. West, please write that letter. If more money is needed to acquire the bust and provide a suitable site I am confident our citizens will donate the needed funds.
John Hackett
Locke Creek Road