To The Editor,
The recent editorial concerning keeping cigarette butts out of the river was excellent. As a member of the Stones River Watershed Association (SRWA), I
would like to speak for those of us who treasure this resource.
Unfortunately cigarettes are only one small but nasty source of pollution that can enter our water here in Cannon County. We all need to be aware of
where our trash ends up. Let's keep it out of the river! The Convenience Center can handle all of our trash and recycles old tires, oil, cardboard, plastic and metals. Keep our drinking water clean!
Come enjoy some of the river activities that are offered here. There is the SRWA float on April 4th from the Arts Center to Readyville. The TWRA kids
free fishing event sponsored by our veterans is on June 6th in Dillon Park.
And the SWRA boat day is on June 13th in Readyville. Soon it will be warm enough that the swimming will be rather pleasant. Let's all help keep the Stones River clean so that we can use the river in all the ways we depend on it.
David Zabriskie