To the editor:
Full military honors were given to a Vietnam Veteran in Dickson, Tenn. on Monday, Sept. 21, 2015. There was no family to lay him to rest so the people of Dickson and military personnel stepped up and did the "right thing" for this man who served our country and laid his life on the line for us to be free. The outpouring of honor and love given to this veteran was so touching to me.
Most didn't even know him but came out of respect and lined the streets as the funeral procession went by with so many holding the American Flag and waiving it in tribute to this man. For the life of me, I have never been able to understand how cold hearted we could be in treating those soldiers who came home from Vietnam War like rank strangers as we turned our backs on them and all the needs they counted on us to help them with. Did you ever stop and think they had to go to this foreign country not because they wanted to go there. The higher-ups in command at that time made them leave home and family to go fight in what was called a "political war."
Whatever you called it, so many young American soldiers died and never got to touch America's soil again. I was a teenager at the time, but thought this country sure did dishonor our brave soldiers and that is still "par for the course" today, also. Veterans are certainly not being honored or taken care of as they should be with medical help, etc. Why is America willing to take in so many of the world's refugees, feed, take care of them and provide every comfort under the sun for them? Have you noticed the nation's "money problems" seem to go away when dealing with these refugees?
Outside our borders, there are people who do not care about us _ would slit our throats or stab us in the back - if they had the opportunity. Yet we keep the doors open for America's demise. Everything is backwards in this country. I would hope others would realize this country cannot survive very much longer without anyone looking out for the USA in good, ole Washington D.C. We give billions of dollars to countries that want us to fall, yet Veterans are kicked to the side as if their lives and security of our freedom they gave us has been forgotten. I'm just a simple, God-loving country girl who was brought up to fear God and that "charity" begins at home "first."
Carol Gunter
Short Mountain