There will be a meeting of Cannon County citizens, State Senator Mark Pody, State Representative Clark Boyd and state officials on Monday, September 17, 2018 at the Cannon County Senior Citizens Center at 2:00 p.m.
To discuss the State of Tennessee's role in permitting and monitoring the ongoing activities of the following operations located in Cannon County Tennessee:
1. Southern Rock Manufacturing
1327 John Bragg Highway, Woodbury, TN
2. Vulcan Materials
482 Hurst Lane, Readyville, TN
3. Stones River Quarry
895 Bradyville Road, Readyville, TN
4. Hawkins Asphalt Paving
Bradyville Road, Readyville, TN
The discussion with state officials will also be directed at understanding the state's role in protecting the environment and quality of life in Cannon County for the benefit of the citizens once the state has issued operating permits for heavy industrial sites. Chris Hawkins of Hawkins Asphalt Paving is also expected to participate.
Cannon County currently has three rock quarries and one asphalt plant located on a 5.2 mile stretch of John Bragg Hwy which has been designated by statute as a Scenic Highway. Effective August 2018, the Cannon County Commission passed Zoning Regulations which will assist the county in the future with controlled growth and development.
Issues/questions to be addressed:
1. Air Quality
Each operation noted above has received an operating permit from TDEC Division of Air Pollution Control. Please provide information on the following:
a. What is the approved level of air pollutant for each operation as approved in their TDEC operating permit?
b. What pollutants are allowed under the permit for each operation?
c. What are the potential negative affects to the environment, citizens, etc., if the pollutant level at each individual location is exceeded/not controlled? What effect does this have on the health of those breathing the pollutants?
d. How is TDEC monitoring the compliance of each operation with each permit?
e. What were the results of the monitoring at each operation? If an operation has been noncompliant, what is the remedy for each violation?
f. Does TDEC measure the limestone dust, etc. that is present daily on homes, cars, schools, outdoor play areas, etc.? What level of dust accumulation is considered acceptable by TDEC?
g. Did TDEC determine the aggregate air pollution effect in the area as each new permit was requested? If yes, we would like to see the results. If not, we would like to know why and for staff to provide the department's policy(s) on this issue.
h. What date did Hawkins Asphalt Paving submit a request for permit to TDEC for their Bradyville Road Plant? Was this before or after they began construction?
i. Did TDEC issue Hawkins Asphalt Paving a notice of violation? If so, when and for what purpose? What was the result of the violation being issued?
j. Was Hawkins Asphalt Plant given an operational permit prior to resolution of the notice of violation? When was the operational permit issued?
k. When did the Hawkins Asphalt Plant become operational?
2. Water Quality
Three of the four operations have a waterway, creek or tributary bordering their operations.
a. What water quality studies were conducted by TDEC to determine how each of the above-mentioned operations will affect the quality of the water in the waterways, creek or tributary?
b. As Stones River Quarry continues to strip soil from the land, the runoff into the tributary has increased substantially causing flooding upstream from the quarry at a steadily increasing level. Has TDEC taken any action to minimize this risk for citizens that are being affected by increased flooding during heavy rainfall? This is also a concern with Hawkins Asphalt Paving as also having striped the majority of the 8 acres it occupies.
c. Did TDEC approve in writing how runoff from each operation is to be handled?
d. Does TDEC monitor the runoff on an ongoing basis and issue a report on their findings? If so, what are the results? Have there been any violations, and have they been resolved?
e. Is TDEC monitoring the affect the runoff is having on species indigenous to these waters? If not, what would prompt such a review?
3. Blasting
All three quarries are blasting regularly.
a. Are blasting permits granted to the quarries or the blasting companies?
b. How is blasting regulated by the State of Tennessee?
c. Which party does the state hold responsible if the blasting is done improperly?
d. What are the blasting standards for each of the three quarries named above?
e. How many complaints has the department received concerning blasting at each individual operation?
f. How are these complaints handled?
g. Were any of the operations found to be in violation of the approved blasting standards? If so, which operation, when and what was the resolution?
h. How does the State of Tennessee evaluate the damage blasting is causing to property? What remedies are afforded to the citizens by the state?
4. Industrial Traffic
Dump truck traffic has increased substantially on John Bragg Hwy/Hwy 70 and Bradyville Road/Hwy 64 as each operation has opened. John Bragg Hwy/Hwy 70 and Bradyville Road/Hwy 64 have now become dangerous roads to travel.
a. Did TDOT do a traffic study prior to the opening of Hawkins Asphalt Paving? If so, when and what were the results? If not, why?
b. The intersection of John Bragg Hwy/Hwy 70 and Bradyville Road/Hwy 64 is constantly covered in heavy limestone dust that becomes treacherous as it builds up and when it rains. These are both state highways. What is TDOT's state obligation to ensure the businesses responsible for cleanup of this waste do so on a regular basis for the safety of citizens? The county has, on occasion, cleaned up the roadway from the limestone dust to ensure the safety of the citizens. This is a waste of our taxpayer dollars and should be the responsibility of the company. If it is not the role of TDOT to manage this, please identify the appropriate state agency.
c. Who does TDEC hold responsible for cleaning up the accumulated dust that collects daily on homes, cars, schools, outdoor play areas, etc.? As the state agency that issues these air quality permits, it is our understanding that you also bear the responsibility of complete oversight and resolution of any problems caused as a result of issuing these permits.
d. Does Hawkins Asphalt Paving have any current contracts with TDOT? If so, please bring copies of the contracts.
5. Scenic Highway Act:
a. What state department(s) are responsible for compliance oversight and enforcement of this statute?
b. In accordance with the statute, what state officials have standing to bring a lawsuit when a company violates the provisions of this statute?
6. General
a. Please explain the reason why the citizens of Cannon County were not afforded the opportunity to have a public hearing prior to issuing an operational permit for Hawkins Asphalt Paving? What written standards guide these decisions?
b. How much does it cost per mile to pave or repave a road?
c. When will Bradyville Road/Hwy 64 between John Bragg Hwy/Hwy 70 and Murfreesboro Rd, an important connector to get to Westside Elementary, be repaved. This has heavy dump truck traffic when heading north into Rutherford County.
d. Are the two bridges in Readyville, across the Stones River, considered safe by TDOT to support the growing use by heavy dump truck traffic? Please provide the latest TDOT report outlining the condition of these bridges.
Note: Additional questions may be asked at the meeting.