Compare that to Murfreesboro's 6.29 inches.
How do you find out that total?
Go to the TVA web site at
TVA receives data from 300 rain gauges strategically located in watersheds across the TVA region. Most of these devices are owned and maintained by TVA.
TVA uses self-emptying rain gauges that funnel precipitation into a bucket that tips when a certain amount of rainfall is collected. The gauge records the number of tips and transmits information to TVA by satellite hourly or every three hours, depending on the gauge.
TVA also receives data from 62 gauges on the Cumberland River system, including Cannon County, that are operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and 29 gauges in watersheds throughout the TVA region that are operated by the U.S. Geological Survey.
That brings to mind another question: How do you get a forecast for Woodbury and Cannon County?
The National Weather Service maintains a seven-day site for Cannon County. You can look at it by clicking HERE.