There are a lot of active equine groups involved in community events; this especially true for Cannon County and the Middle Tennessee area.
Relying on the ole statement 'ya got to start somewhere', let's begin with the first part of May in sharing "neigh" and "bray" news.
CCWHA said farewell to longtime friend Brent Richardson. Brent was not only a member of the association, over the years he served as shareholder, board member, decision maker, maintenance man and even bouncer during a few situations. Brent, a man of few words, strong values and hard work ethics. When a job or task presented itself, Brent did not stand back and wait to see who was going to do it, he got to work. Brent was also a great horseman. Perhaps one of Brent's best traits was his ability to communicate with youngsters and the patience he had when working or teaching the young. Brent would always be the first one in the ring during the Fun Horse Show, serving as father, grandfather or uncle to any child needing special help or attention during the show. To have Brent Richardson as a friend was a great asset; he will truly be missed by all who knew him. Happy Trails Brent ....
The CCWHA campground has been buzzing with activity as members are busy cutting limbs back, sprucing up camp sites and general grounds work in preparation for the Memorial Ride Weekend. This family oriented event offers the following schedule for the Memorial Day Weekend Ride-a-Thon: campers welcome to sit up for the weekend at their convenience; Friday night karaoke; Saturday at 11AM riders leave from town for the traditional ride to the campground on the mountain; Saturday night 8PM live band and dance; Sunday open for riding throughout the approximately 400 acres; Sunday night offers the Fun Horse Show; Monday ride at will. Visit their website for more on the organization and their events.
Several of the MTMS members traveled to London KY the first week of May to support the organizing of an Annual Mule Wagon Train / Mule Weekend at Hang'Em High Horse Camp. The MTMS, and their following, made a great difference in the event by attending. The trails weaved in and out of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, thus offering breath taking scenery.
With the role of the MTMS being to preserve the rural heritage of the draft or work mule, MTMS travel to several events involving the community and especially children. A couple of MTMS members attended an event at the Sam Davis Home with mules and wagons. MTMS has been attending this event for several years with some years welcoming 1000 visitors per day.
MTMS could be found at the Annual School Farm Day held in Woodbury. Children petted, talked to, rode in wagons and basically learned about mules.
The second week of May is always full for the MTMS with the Annual MTMS Mule Show and the Annual Spring Wagon Train - the 2017 events were a success. The wagon train had as many as 12 and 13 wagons that traveled throughout Cannon County during the three day event. There were several states represented by wagons and teams as well as participants from all over Tennessee. The annual mule show was a great success as well with Eller Farms taking home the Buddy Black Memorial Award for the Champion Mule and Thomas Summers taking home the Bill Smith Challenge Trophy in the show wagon class. AGMA's classes followed the draft show and had a good turnout as well. Several new comers (participants and fans) attended the show. Rural Heritage attended both events and will be airing a show sometime in July - details to come.
The local Lions Club Membership is gearing up and beginning to make plans for their annual, traditional, record setting July 4th weekend Walking Horse Show to be held on July 1st in Woodbury. Be sure and support this local show - more details to come.
Enough neighing and braying - let's quietin' down this barn ...... If you have any barnyard chatter revolving around equine, pictures or have an idea for a special feature, contact or 615-904-5356 (text or call).
Until next week .... climb in the saddle or wagon seat and get some therapy.
CCWHA-Cannon County Walking Horse Association,;
MTMS-Middle Tennessee Mule Skinners, ;
AGMA-American Gaited Mule Association,