Winter probably is starting to settle in on us this week as some readings are forecasted to be in the single digits. You know that will sure hurt a lot of us especially the people who are cold-natured like me. Those kind of temperatures we haven't experienced in a lot of years. I guess we will just have to put another log or two or three on the fire. Whatever will suffice to keep you warm just do it!
A jubilant Christmas get-together at Betty Barnes' residence on Saturday, December 28th with twenty-three people of the Barnes family in attendance. Food, family, and fellowship and game to enjoy. Everyone had a great time. Chris Barnes, Betty's son, and Julia, his wife, and Peyton, their son, came from Fort Mitchell, Alabama, and other family members from Hendersonville, Nashville, Texas, Spencer, Sparta, and Murfreesboro got to be there for this special occasion.
Please be sure to lift up in prayer Danny and Sheryl Davis in our community as they both are in bad health. Also, Chloe Evelyn Bogle has some health issues that she is dealing with and certainly needs our prayers.
Betty Gunter doing well and so are her two little furry kitty cats that are so much company to her Miss Kitty and Misty.
Got to talk with Ruth Brown, my cousin, today and she is okay. Her son, Jeff Brown, is in Centennial Hospital in Nashville recovering from heart surgery. He may get to go home tomorrow. He really needs our prayers, also. Everyone else in the family Ruth said were doing fine.
Was down at the homeplace the other day and when I was leaving there was this squirrel maybe half-grown that scurried up one of the big old oak trees that line the driveway. That brought back memories of times so many years ago of when daddy and my brothers went to the woods and they would cut down hickory trees and cut them in 18" to 20" long sections for the hammer handles that would be made from them. They would take them in daddy's truck to Burrough's-Ross Colville Mtg. Plant there in McMinnville for the finished product to be made. Well, in cutting down the trees in the woods, there would be on occasion a nest of baby squirrels that came down with the tree.
ometimes the mother squirrel would be killed or she just took off because she was so scared. The baby squirrels that daddy brought home were so cute and we fed them milk in an eye dropper or small spoon. We only lost a few baby squirrels. When the squirrels got a little bit bigger they would sometimes get in your shirt pocket and go to sleep. They were so adorable. We seemed to always dread the day when we turned them loose as they were big enough then to take care of themselves. They would come back to the house for some pieces of biscuits at the kitchen door. My oldest sister made the mistake of trying to catch one of them while it was climbing around on a tree and it bit her through the fingernail and finger pretty bad. She never tried that again. The little dog, Tippy, I told you about in an earlier column was forever after the squirrels and at times a squirrel would be in front of a mud hole and here would come Tippy running as hard as he could to get the squirrel and at just the time he was ready to pounce on it the squirrel would leap out of the way and Tippy would just about knock the mud hole dry. Wet and muddy at times he didn't stop chasing those squirrels.
My Aunt Lou (daddy's sister) sometimes came and helped my mom out taking care of all of us. One time one of the squirrels got under the screened kitchen door and jumped up on Aunt Lou's apron and was just hanging on and probably just wanted a handout of food. Aunt Lou, I was told, was doing quite a lot of screaming and jumping around when that happened. The squirrel was probably more in shock than Aunt Lou was when it got out under the door. She was a very neat and well-organized lady. I always could smell her perfume in a room where she had been. She wore rouge on her cheeks, and her hair back in a bun, and oh, how I did love her so very much. She spoke her mind when something wasn't right and got everyone's attention. She was a godsend to our mom. Mom would sometimes tell me I was a lot like my Aunt Lou and that would make me feel so special but what always made me feel the best was when someone said I was just like my Mom!
Good news about Greg Motley, Aubrey's nephew. He is doing a whole lot better. A lot of prayers were prayed for him and the Lord I know heard those prayers. Do keep him in prayers as he is improving.
One more request for prayer for two very special people who are still going through a hard time getting back to good health are Carlon and Mai Nell Melton.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at (615) 563-4429.
Respecting the Lord and not being proud will bring you wealth, honor, and life. Proverbs 22:4