After taking a few weeks off to enjoy the holiday season, life returns to its normal routine for most people in Cannon County next week.
On Monday, teachers will go back to work for the second half of the school year as the system conducts a Professional Development (Stockpile) Day. However, students will get to enjoy one more day of vacation time as they do not resume studies until Tuesday.
Monday is also a big day for those persons planning on seeking elected office in Cannon County Government this year. Beginning at 8 a.m., office seekers can pick up qualifying petitions at the Election Commission Office for the Aug. 5 General Election. The petitions, along with at least 25 signatures of registered voters, must be returned to the Election Commission by noon on April 1.
Among the positions voters will elect someone to fill in the 2010 county election are two of the five seats (2nd and 5th Districts) on the Cannon County Board of Education, county executive, all 10 county commission seats, county trustee, circuit court clerk, sheriff, register of deeds, county court clerk and five constable positions.
On Tuesday, Jan. 5, both Auburntown City Council and the Woodbury Board of Mayor and Aldermen will meet in regular session. The Auburntown meeting is set to begin at 6 p.m., while Woodbury's starts at 7.
On the agenda for the Woodbury meeting is:
· Public Hearing regarding Ordinance No. 428, an ordinance to rezone approximately 1.5 +/- acres, located on Murfreesboro Road, from R-1 Residential, to C-3 Commercial. Request by William B. Smith of Smith Funeral Home, and recommended by the Woodbury Planning Commission on November 17, 2009.
· Consider adoption of Ordinance No. 428 on second and final reading.
· Public Hearing regarding Ordinance No. 429, an ordinance to update the Town of Woodbury Water and Sewer Department cross-connection policy as recommended by the State of Tennessee, Division of Water Supply.
· Consider adoption of Ordinance No. 429 on second and final reading.
· Mr. Roy Sullivan, Cannon County 911 services, will address the board concerning a proposal for the Woodbury Fire Department radio frequency.
· Lisa Baird, Cannon County S.A.V. E., will address the board.
· Other business.
· Reports from Mayor, Committees, and Department Heads.
Other upcoming meetings of local governmental bodies include the Cannon County Board of Education on Thursday, Jan. 14 at East Side School and the Cannon County Commission on Saturday, Jan. 16.