WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms and conditions of a Deed of Trust dated August 15, 2003, executed by CORY R. WANAMAKER A/K/A COREY R. WANAMAKER AND JENNIFER E. WANAMAKER, conveying certain real property therein described to ARNOLD M. WEISS, ATTORNEY, as Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register's Office of Cannon County, Tennessee recorded August 26, 2003, in Deed Book 47, Page 566; and
WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF CWABS INC., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-5 who is now the owner of said debt; and WHEREAS, Notice of the Right to Foreclose, if required pursuant to T.C.A. § 35-5-117, was given in accordance with Tennessee law; and
WHEREAS, the undersigned,Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having been appointed as Substitute Trustee by instrument to be filed for record in the Register's Office of Cannon County, Tennessee.
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable, and that the undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed agent, by virtue of the power, duty and authority vested and imposed upon said Substitute Trustee will, on September 5, 2013 at 02:00 PM at the Main Entrance of the Cannon County Courthouse , located in Woodbury, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash or certified funds ONLY, the following described property situated in Cannon County, Tennessee, to wit: LAND IN THE 5TH CIVIL DISTRICT OF CANNON COUNTY, TENNESSEE BEING BOUNDED ON THE NORTH, SOUTH AND WEST BY JAMES TODD AND ON THE EAST BY TAYLOR LAKE ROAD AND BEING DESCRIBED ACCORDING TO A COMPOSITE DESCRIPTION DERIVED FROM A SURVEY OF THE JAMES TODD LAND BY R. L. KNOTT TN R.L.S. #968 DATED 8/31/87 AND FIELD MEASUREMENTS AS SHOWN ON A MORTGAGE LOAN INSPECTION BY CAMPBELL MCRAE AND ASSOCIATES (GLENN MCRAE TN R.L.S. #1673 DATED 3/11/99 MORE PARTICULARLY AS FOL-LOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF TAYLOR LAKE ROAD, SAID POINT BEING LOCATED S 02 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 13 SECONDS E 526.19 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE JAMES TODD LAND (BOOK 144, PAGE 194 R.O.C.C., TN); THENCE WITH SAID WESTERLY MARGIN SOUTHERLY 547 FEET MORE OF LESS TO A POINT; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY MARGIN WITH SAID JAMES TODD THE FOLLOW-ING 4 CALLS: N 87 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 21 SECONDS W 112.39 FEET TO A POINT, N 86 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 24 SECONDS W 303.42 FEE.T TO A POINT, N 06 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 29 SECONDS E 594.42 FEET TO A POINT, S 79 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 57 SECONDS E 381.60 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED TO COREY R WANAMAKER AND WIFE, JENNIFER E. WANAMAKER BY DEED FROM MICHAEL W. ADAMSON AND WIFE, SHANNON R ADAMSON DATED APRIL THE 8, 1999 AND RECORDED APRIL 15, 1999 OF RECORD IN BOOK 180, PAGE 87, REGISTER`S OFFICE FOR CANNON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. Parcel ID: 084-002.00 PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street address of the property is believed to be302 TAYLOR RD,MORRISON,TN37357. In the event of any discrepancy between this street address and the legal description of the prop-erty, the legal description shall control. CURRENT OWNER(S): CORY R. WANAMAKER A/K/A COREY R. WANAMAKER AND JENNIFER E. WANAMAKER OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. This property is being sold with the express reservation that it is subject to confirmation by the lender or Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold as is, where is, without representations or warranties of any kind, including fitness for a particular use or purpose.
THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Substitute Trustee 119 S. Main Street, Suite 500 Memphis, TN 38103 Tel: (877) 813-0992 Fax: (404) 601-5846
Ad #56282: 2013-07-31 2013-08-07, 2013-08-14
WHEREAS, Mary Joyce Tyner and Jeneanne Earls executed a Deed of Trust to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Irwin Mortgage Corporation, Lender and Archer Land Title, Inc., Trustee(s), which was dated September 24, 2002 and recorded on October 7, 2002, Book 33, Page 524,Cannon County,TennesseeRegister of Deeds.
WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debt(s) and obligation(s) thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the current holder of said Deed of Trust, CitiMortgage, Inc., (the "Holder"), appointed the undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee, by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cannon County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Holder, and that as agent for the undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trustee, by virtue of the power and authority vested in it, will on August 27, 2013, at 1:30PM at the usual and customary location at the Cannon County Courthouse, Woodbury, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Cannon County, Tennessee, to wit:
A certain tract or parcel of land inCannonCounty, in the State ofTennessee, described as follows:
Bounded on the North, South and West by Property of Radford W. Smith, Deed Book 181, Page 483, R.O.C.C. TN.; the East by Tassey Road and remaining Property of George Blake Kelly Tract #2 of this survey.
Beginning at a nail in the center line of Tassey Road, being the most easterly point of this tract and the most northerly point of Tract #2 of this survey and further described as 1336.68 feet with center line of road in a northerly direction from the Northeast corner of Kurt Huskey, Deed Book 103, Page 365; ROCCTN; thence leaving road and with the Northwest line of Tract #2 of this survey S. 44 degs. 22' 40" W, through a pin set 30 feet off center line of road and continuing for a total distance of 274.7 feet to a pin in center line of old lane; thence leaving old lane and with North fence of Radford W. Smith (6.57 acre tract) N. 81 degs. 58' 30" W, 503.40 feet to a pin by corner post, being the Southwest corner of this tract; thence with East fence of Smith's 6.57 acre tract N. 7 degs. 17' 40" E, 275.4 feet to a pin by corner post; thence with East fence line of Smith N. 7 degs. 40' E, 153.7 feet to a pin by corner post, being the Northwest corner of this tract; thence with South fence of R.W. Smith S. 89 degs. 58' 30" E. 495.9 feet to a nail in center line ofTassey Road; thence with center line of said road S. 6 degs. 34' W, 173.8 feet to a nail; thence continuing around a curve to the left with a central angle of 80 degs. 56', on a radius of 93.78 feet, for a distance of 132.47 feet to a nail; thence continuing with center of road S. 74 degs. 22' E, 94.7 feet to the beginning, containing 5.80 acres, more or less, and designated as Tract #1 of survey.
This property is subject to and includes any and all lawful easements, setback lines, restrictions, etc. of record and applying to the within described property and to the zoning regulations of the appropriate governmental body.
Being the same property conveyed to Mary Joyce Tyner and Jeneanne Earls by deed from George Blake Kelly, recorded on April 24, 2000, in Book 1, Page 349 in the Register's Office forCannon County,Tennessee.
The acreage indicated in this legal description is solely for the purpose of identifying said tract and is not to be construed as to insuring the quantity of land.
Parcel ID Number: 030 048.00
Address/Description: 2027 Tassey Road,Readyville,TN37149.
Current Owner(s): Mary Joyce Tyner and Jeneanne Earls.
Other Interested Party(ies): GE Money Bank.
The sale of the property described above shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plat; any and all liens against said property for unpaid property taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; a deed of trust; and any matter than an accurate survey of the premises might disclose; and
All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above.
This office is attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trustee
c/o Tennessee Foreclosure Department
277 Mallory Station Road, Suite 115
PH: 615-550-7697 FX: 615-550-8484
File No.: 13-11127
3t-July 31, Aug. 7, 14
Estate of
Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of July, 2013, letters of administration in respect of the estate of Terry Lane Reed, deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the Chancery Court of Cannon County, Tennessee. All persons, both resident and non-residents, having claims matured and unmatured against said estate are required to file same with the clerk of the above named court within four months of first publication of this notice, otherwise their claims will be forever barred.
This 1st day of July, 2013.
Nila Spry Reed, Administrator of the estate of Terry Lane Reed, deceased
William H. Bryson, Clerk & Master
Susan Melton, Attorney
2t-July 31, Aug. 7
Estate of
Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day of July, 2013, letters of administration in respect of the estate of Jesse Wayne Alexander, deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the Chancery Court of Cannon County, Tennessee. All persons, both resident and non-residents, having claims matured and unmatured against said estate are required to file same with the clerk of the above named court within four months of first publication of this notice, otherwise their claims will be forever barred.
This 22nd day of July, 2013.
Claudette Bowen Alexander, Administratrix of the estate of Jesse Wayne Alexander, deceased
William H. Bryson, Clerk & Master
Susan Melton, Attorney
2t-July 31, Aug. 7
Megan Jo Rodgers Johnson
The State ofTennessee, Department of Children’s Services, has filed a petition against you seeking to terminate forever your parental rights to Vella Mckenzie Hamilton. It appears that ordinary process of law cannot be served upon you because your whereabouts are unknown. You are hereby ORDERED to serve upon M. Anne Austin, Attorney for the Tennessee Department of Children Services, 1300 Salem Road, Cookeville, Tennessee 38506, (931) 646-3013, an Answer to the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights filed by the Tennessee Department of Children Services, within thirty (30) days of the last day of publication of this notice and pursuant to Rule 39(e)(1) of the Tenn. R. Juv. P. you must also appear in the Juvenile Court of Putnam County, Tennessee at Cookeville, Tennessee on the 22nd day of August, 2013, at 9:00 A.M. for the Adjudicatory Hearing on the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights filed by the State of Tennessee, Department of Children’s Services If you fail to do so, a default judgment will be taken against you pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 36-1-117(n) and Rule 55 of the Tenn. R. of Civ. P. for the relief demanded in the Petition. You may view and obtain a copy of the Petition and any other subsequently filed legal documents at the Putnam County Juvenile Court Clerk’s Office,PutnamCountyJusticeCenter,421 East Spring Street, Suite 1C49A,Cookeville,TN38501, 931-528-1508,Tennessee.
4t-July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21
WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated April 18, 2008, and the Deed of Trust of even date securing the same, recorded April 18, 2008, at Book 109, Page 365 in Office of the Register of Deeds for Cannon County, Tennessee, executed by Bradley Shane Parker and Tiffany Aaron Parker, conveying certain property therein described to Andrew C. Rambo as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc, as nominee for First Community Mortgage, Inc., its successors and assigns; and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor Trustee.
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee will, on August 30, 2013 on or about 3:45 P.M., at the Cannon County Courthouse, Woodbury, Tennessee, offer for sale certain property hereinafter described to the highest bidder FOR CASH, free from the statutory right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions which are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate situated in Cannon County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows:
Located, lying and being in the Eighth Civil District of Cannon County,Tennesseeand being described more particularly as follows, to-wit:
Being all of Lot No. Thirty-Four (34) Cannon Downs, Phase IV, as shown of record in Plat Cabinet 2, Slide 2-181, Register's Office,Cannon County,Tennesseeto which reference is here made for a more complete description of said lot.
ALSO KNOWN AS: 195 Cannon Downs Drive,Woodbury,Tennessee37190-6220
This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the above-referenced property: Bradley Shane Parker; Tiffany Aaron Parker
The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Successor Trustee's option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. W&A No. 1286 236845
DATED July 9, 2013
WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Successor Trustee
FHA No. 483-3863346
DSaleNoticeTN-Shellie_awoodard_130709_ 911
Insertion dates: July 16, 2013, July 23, 2013, July 30, 2013
Whereas, WILLIAM KELLY SPRADLEY and wife, DEBORAH LYNN SPRADLEY, by a way of a Deed of Trust, dated September 2, 2008, of record in Instrument No. 31482, Register's Office for Cannon County, Tennessee, conveyed to Guy D. Alexander, III, Trustee, and his successors in trust the hereinafter described real property, to which reference is hereby made and to secure payment of indebtedness of grantor then existing or to arise thereafter. The term "Deed of Trust" shall include any and all modifications, renewals, extensions or amendments thereto whether noted above or otherwise;
Whereas, the Alexander Living Trust the beneficiary of the indebtedness and Deed of Trust, did appoint Melissa Blackburn, attorney at law, as Substitute Trustee, of record in Instrument No. 43446, Register's Office for Cannon County, Tennessee.
Whereas, Default in the payment of the note secured by said Deed of Trust has been made; and
Whereas, the Alexander Trust, the owner and holder of said note and Deed of Trust, has demanded that the property be advertised and sold in the terms and provisions of the applicable note and Deed of Trust.
Whereas, the applicable requirements of the Notice of Right to Foreclosure pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated Section 35-5-117 have been met;
Now therefore, notice is hereby given that Melissa Blackburn, Substitute Trustee pursuant to the power, duty and authority vested in and imposed upon in said Deed of Trust will be on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. local time outside the front door of the Cannon County Courthouse, Woodbury, Cannon County Tennessee, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash and free from the statutory right of redemption, homestead, and all other exemptions as are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, certain real property in Cannon County, Tennessee, described as follows:
Being all of tract No. 1. of the Phillip Rudolph Subdivision as shown in Plat Cabinet 2, Slide 2, Register's Office for Cannon County, Tennessee.
Being a part and portion of the Warranty Deed to Alexander Living Trust, Guy Alexander, Jr. Trustee, dated June 3, 2005, and recorded on June 3, 2005, in record book 73, pages 557-558, Register's Office of Cannon County, Tennessee.
Included in this conveyance is a Mobile Home bearing vehicle Identification Number ALCA1090554511036A and ALCA1090554511036D
For course of title to said realty reference is made to Warranty Deed from Daniel Rudolph and wife, Dawn Rudolph from Phillip Eugene Rudolph, et ux dated June 3, 2005 and recorded on June 3, 2005 in record book 73, page 555 Register's Office of Cannon County, Tennessee.
Property known as:787 Finnie Simmons Road,Woodbury,Tennessee37190
This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded document, including but not limited to any applicable recorded plan, plat, charter, restriction, judgment(s), notice of governmental entity, or declaration of taking(s); and prior lien(s) of record; unpaid taxes and assessments which exist as a lien against said properties; any restrictive covenant(s), easement(s) or setback line(s) that may be applicable; any rights of redemption not otherwise waived in the Deed of Trust, including rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; and any prior deeds of trust, liens, dues, assessments, encumbrances, defects, adverse claims, and other matters that may take priority over the Deed of Trust upon which this foreclosure sale is conducted or are not extinguished by this foreclosure sale. This date is also subject to any matter that an accurate inspection and survey of the premises might disclose.
The transfer shall be as is, where is, and with all faults, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the condition of such property and the improvements located thereon, including merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. Trustee shall make no covenant of seisin or warranty of title, express or implied, and will sell and convey the subject real property by Substitute Trustee's Deed only.
The successful bidder shall tender cash payment within twenty-four (24) hours of the foreclosure sale.
The Substitute Trustee, in order to accomplish the most advantageous sale and consequent discharge of his obligation under the Deed of Trust, reserves the right to do any or all of the following, without further publication and upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth herein;
1. To adjourn the sale to another time during regular business hours on a different day or place or rescind the sale;
2. To delay the sale for a reasonable time during regular business hours on the same day, to be continued at the announced place and time, and to this end Substitute Trustee reserves the right to delay the sale of the Property to take place at the actual Property location(s) or at such other location as is orally announced and in such instance, the precise time of sale or sales will be announced at the time and place for the sale set forth herein;
3. To sell the Property at the time fixed by the last postponement or to give new notice of sale;
4. To sell the Property in such lots, parcels, segments or separate estates as may accomplish the most advantageous sale and consequent discharge of his or her trust obligation under the circumstances, and to and then in part, and ultimately consummate the sale in which ever manner produces the most advantageous result.
5. To sell part of the Property and delay, adjourn, cancel or postpone the sale of the remaining part of the Property;
6. To sell the Property to the next highest bidder in the event any higher bidder does not comply with the terms of the sale;
This the 15th day of July, 2013.
Melissa Blackburn
213 Fifth Avenue North, Suite 300
This law firm is attempting to collect a debt. Any information will be used for that purpose.
Insertion dates in Cannon Courier: July 24, 2013, July 31, 2013, and August 7, 2013
WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated August 15, 2001, and the Deed of Trust of even date securing the same, recorded February 7, 2002, at Book 24, Page 331 in Office of the Register of Deeds for Cannon County, Tennessee, executed by Rilla Sue Bogle and Earl Bogle, conveying certain property therein described to Atlantic Assurance Company as Trustee for Centex Home Equity Company, LLC; and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor Trustee.
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee will, on August 16, 2013 on or about 3:45 P.M., at the Cannon County Courthouse, Woodbury, Tennessee, offer for sale certain property hereinafter described to the highest bidder FOR CASH, free from the statutory right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions which are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate situated in Cannon County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows:
Situated in the Sixth (6th) Civil District of Cannon County,Tennessee.
Located, lying and being on both side of Pleasant Ridge Public Road and bounded on the North by lands of Floyd Campbell and Macon Davenport; bounded on the South by lands of Dorris Nichols, Sunny Hill Church of Christ and the Pleasant Ridge Public Road; bounded on the East by lands of Dorris Nichols, Sunny Hill Church of Christ, and the Pleasant Ridge Public Road; and, bounded on the West by lands of Frank Moorehead, Sunny Hill Church of Christ, Dorris Nichols and the Pleasant Ridge Public Road.
ALSO KNOWN AS: 2712 Pleasant Ridge Road, Woodbury,Tennessee37190
This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the above-referenced property: Rilla Sue Bogle; Earl Bogle
The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Successor Trustee's option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. W&A No. 931 218903
DATED July 9, 2013
Successor Trustee
Insertion dates: July 16, 2013, July 23, 2013, July 30, 2013
Sale at public auction will be on August 29, 2013 at 12:00PM local time, at the north door, Cannon County Courthouse, Woodbury, Tennessee, conducted by Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee, pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Dedra Vinson, an unmarried woman, to Arnold M. Weiss, Trustee, on August 31, 2007 at Record Book 102, Page 884; all of record in the Cannon County Register's Office.
Party entitled to enforce security interest: Federal National Mortgage Association, its successors and assigns
The following real estate located inCannon County,Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record:
Described property located in the Sixth (6th) Civil District of Cannon County, State ofTennessee, to-wit:
BEGINNING on an iron pin placed in the north margin of Hillview Drive at the southwest corner of this lot and this point is also located north 62 degrees 52 minutes 56 seconds east 133.23 feet from the center of the intersection of Wallace Street; thence leaving the street north1 degree 24 minutes 29 seconds west 151.00 feet to an iron pin found at the northwest corner of this lot in a fence line. Thence north 88 degrees 45 minutes 59 seconds east 100.10 feet to an iron pin placed at the fence. Thence leaving the fence south 5 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds east 134.24 feet to an iron pin set at the southeast corner of this lot. Thence with the street south 79 degrees 51 minutes 38 seconds west 110.41 feet back to the point of beginning and containing 14,941 square feet, according to survey conducted by Thomas D. Cook, Tennessee Registered Land Surveyor #365 on June 15, 2001 and being Lot Number 2, Section 5 of Brandon Acres Subdivision.
Street Address:105 Hillview Drive,Woodbury,Tennessee37190
Parcel Number: 039I A 011.00
Current Owner(s) of Property: Dedra A. Vinson, an unmarried woman
The street address of the above described property is believed to be105 Hillview Drive,Woodbury,Tennessee37190, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description referenced herein shall control.
All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee.
If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder.
This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time.
Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee
Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP
555 Perkins RoadExtended, Second Floor
Phone (901)767-5566
Fax (901)761-5690
File No. 13-048167
3t-July 31, Aug. 7, 14