The Auburntown City Council met Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. for their regular monthly meeting. The Mayor and all Councilpersons were present for this meeting.
The minutse for the previous month of January were distributed to the council for their review and approval. After a short review the minutes were approved as presented by the City Recorder.
The financial report ending January 31, 2012 was passed out for review and approval. Following a cursory review the report was approved as presented. The balance of funds on deposit was $46,164.26.
The Mayor announced that the Lions Club was sponsoring the community Easter egg hunt again this year in C. S. Hawkins Park. The event will be held on the Saturday before Easter Sunday, which falls on April 8th this year.
The repair of the City Hall building was discussed extensively. It seems that a lot of the repair is necessitated by water running down the inside of the walls from the roof. The repair work is planned for later this year just as soon as warmer weather will permit.
The Mayor announced he would soon be preparing an amended budget to cover the adjustment cost of certain line items. He also mentioned each councilperson should be thinking of the regular budget for FY 2012 –13, as it will be upon the City all too soon.
Along this line, the City is expecting to participate in the joint venture with the city of Woodbury and Cannon County to display a night of fun and fireworks the Fourth of July in Dillon Park. It is included in this year’s budget and hopefully it can see be included in nest year’s also.
The meeting ended at approximately 6:30 PM.
Winfred C. Gaither, City Recorder