The Scoreboard Restuarant at 114 West Main Street has sold. The new owner Linda Sanchez along with Russ and Amber Sanchez are currently remodeling the building and will be opening Sofia's Off The Square in a month or so. The restaurant will offer much of the same type of foods that the Scoreboard had on their menu. Tuesday night, the Town of Woodbury Beer Board met to consider the application for on premise consumption and gave them permission to sell beer at their establishment. Although the schedule is not set as of right now, the thought is to be open Wednesday-Saturday 11A-10P, and Sundays from 12 noon-10P once the remodeling project is complete.
For more details about Tuesday night's Beer Board and monthly meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen be sure to get a copy of the October 15th issue of the Cannon Courier.