Country Music Jam Session
Pocahontas Community Center
1st and 3rd Fridays
A country music jam sessions is set for the first and third Fridays of each month at the Pocahontas Community Center, 1441 Pocahontas Road, Morrison. Musicians sign up at 5:30 and the music starts at 6 p.m. Open to the public, spectators and dancers are welcome. Admission is free. For more info call Ray at 615-765-7835 or John 931-588-1229.
Reserve Hayride On-line
Reserve on-line now for the 10th History Hayride at Edgar Evins State Park on Saturday, Oct. 10 from 1 to 9 p.m. If you need assistance with reservations contact Fount Bertram, President of Edgar Evins State Park, between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. at (615) 765-5357 . For general information about the park or overnight reservations call the park office at (931) 858-2114 or toll free at 800-250-8619
Celebrate Recovery
For hurts, habits and hang-ups. Every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. First Baptist Church.
Contact: Hunter Hay 615-542-2132
Community Dinner
Sycamore Baptist Church
Sycamore Baptist, 7165 Sycamore Creek Road, will hold a community dinner the first Wednesday of every month from 5 to 7 p.m. Donations accepted with the funds going for a new church building.
80 Portraits of Cannon County
Cannon Hall
May - October
Framed vintage family photos from the breadth of Cannon County families will be on display in Cannon Hall beginning in May 2015 and will conclude with an old fashioned "family reunion" reception in October 2015.
Cannon Hall is a 2,600 square foot exhibition and event space located inside The Arts Center at 1424 John Bragg Highway, Woodbury.. We display works from our collection as well as loaned works from private collections and public institutions. Admission to Cannon Hall is free. Hall hours are 10 a.m. through 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. For more information call 615-563-2787 or visit our website at
Alcoholics Anonymous
Meets Wednesday and Sunday nights promptly at 7:30 p.m. at the Cannon County Senior Center.
Cannon County 4-H Poultry Auction
Tueday, Sept. 22
Farmers Market
The auction begins at 9 a.m. at Cannon County Farmers Market. Please support Cannon County 4-Hers as they bring their best pullets to be judged and auctioned. All proceeds will benefit future child chain projects.
Mule Skinners Fall Wagon Train
Wed, Thurs, Fri September 24, 25 & 26, 2015
Wagon Train will leave the JMP Arena, Woodbury TN each morning 9:00 AM CST
Over night camping arrangements available. Daily wagon train rides will vary throughout scenic Cannon County average 15 to 20 miles daily.
For more information; email or
call Grady 615-849-6867. Call Cindy 615-904-5356 to have a flier sent to you.
H Bar M Rodeo Company
Friday, Sept. 25 & Saturday, Sept. 26
Justin Pemberton Arena in Woodbury. Gates open at 5 p.m., Muttin Bustin begins at 7 p.m. each night. A family friendly event and great concessions. Contact Dana Pemberton at 615-542-4290 for further information.
The Color Of Fall Car & Truck Show
Saturday, Sept. 26
On The Square in Woodbury. Registration begins at 8 a,m. until noon.
71 Trophies and 7 cash prizes will be awarded, registration fee is $20 per vehicle. Contact Carolyn Motley at 615-563-2222 for information.
Special Called Meeting Cannon Co. Commission
The Cannon County Board of Commissioners will meet in special session, Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015 at 5 p.m. in the courtroom of the Cannon County Courthouse. On the agenda is approval of Resolution 2015-8 for matching funds for Solid Waste Recycling Equipment.
Regional Planning Commission
Tuesday, Sept. 22
The Cannon County Regional Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. in the Cannon County Courthouse in the courtroom. The agenda for the planning commission meeting is as
Cannon County Senior Center
Music Night
Friday, Oct. 2 at 7 p.m.
Admission is $5. Slick Nickel will be performing. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Short Mountain Trading Post's Country Christmas Bazaar
Saturday October 10.
Free vendor spaces. To reserve call: Savannah at 615-464-7824. Free Lunch and Free Fun and Fellowship. Looking for those who have Holiday crafts, Decorations that
you no longer need, homemade goods such as breads, canned goods...etc.
All proceeds are yours. Taking Sign ups now.
S.A.V.E. Fest and Cow Patty Bingo Benefit
Cannon County Fairgrounds Pavillion
Saturday, Oct. 10
This event will benefit Cannon County S.A.V.E., the domestic violence non-profit organization. It will be held in conjuction with S.A.V.E. Fest!! from noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 10. The square that receives the first cow patty wins. 250 squares are available with $10 of every square sold going to the winner for a potential of $2,500. Squares can be purchased for $50 at First Bank, 101 Main St., Woodbury or call board members Rebecca Womack at 615-904-4228 or Tammy Jones at 615-542-1771. You do not need to be present to win.
SAVE Fest!, a fun event to raise funds for
Woodbury's own Domestic Violence Shelter, will include a silent auction with a number of awesome items donated by local businesses for sale.
Short Mountain Trading Post Winter Clothing Drive
The Trading Post is collecting warm items to distribute to those who are not as fortunate to buy all they need to survive the winter. If you have extra coats, jackets, sweaters, hats, gloves, blankets, boots, toys, etc. please drop them off at The Post
on Thursdays thru Saturdays 11:00 to 5:00. We can also gladly pick up items .
Just call Savannah at: 615-464-7824 This is part of the Feed
America First organization in Woodbury.
The Dewdrop Jamboree V
6pm ~ Saturday ~ Sept. 26
Washington Theatre, Patt erson Park
521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro
A group of talented instrumentalists (The Dewdrops) will be backing a variety of guest artists performing old and new favorites across multiple genres of music. Guest artists for Jamboree V include: Kelsey Keith, LB Ferrell, Lissa Hanner, Billy Henson, Teresa Camp, Edwin Florida, Rhonda Tenpenny, and The Martin Family Circus.
The Martin Family Circus icludes Grammy Award winning artist Paul Martin (formerly of Marty Stuart & His Fabulous Superlatives and the hit TV show "The Marty Stuart Show" and former lead singer/guitarist of country-pop group Exile) and his wife Jamie (daughter of Duane Allen of the Oak Ridge Boys), along with their four children: March (17), Kell (14), Texas (9) and Tallant (8). The Martin Family has performed around the region as well as appearing on the Oak Ridge Boys' nationally televised Christmas special and episodes of shows such as "The Marty Stuart Show" and "Larry's Country Diner." Visit their website: and see more videos at www.
Check out Lissa Hanner' s videos and website: htt p://
All tickets are general admission and cost only $10 - a real bargain for a full evening of light-hearted and uplifting entertainment!! (Tickets available at the door night
of show.) For more information, visit the Facebook page at The Original Dewdrop Jamboree ~ htt ps://
Rain Date for The Color of Fall Car Show
Oct. 3
First United Methodist Church Woodbury Annual Ham Breakfasat
Oct. 3rd 6-10 AM
12 Angry Men
Oct. 2-17
Arts Center of Cannon County
The Arts Center of Cannon County invites you to witness the drama that will unfold when 12 jurors are placed in a room to decide the fate of a 19 year old man who is on trial for murdering his father. This cutt ing edge stage play is sure to keep one at the edge of their seat and question the essence of how guilt and innocence is decided.
12 Angry Men is sponsored by: Bouldin & Reed, PLC
Pink Floyd Appreciation Society
Oct. 24
Arts Center of Cannon County
The Pink Floyd appreciation society will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" album by performing the album in it's entirety with another set of all the classic Pink Floyd songs
Book Battle Reading Challenge
Thorough Oct. 16
The Cannon County Library System announces the 2nd Annual Book Batt le Reading
Challenge. The competition pits the six county elementary schools against each other
in a friendly, educational competition to see which school can read the most books. The
program aims at promoting literacy in Cannon County and encouraging students to
check out what their local library has to off er them. The program begins Sept. 14 and
will end on Oct. 16. The results are tallied by taking the total number of books read
by each school and dividing it by the total number of students, thereby making the
program fair. Prizes include a pizza party sponsored by the Cannon County Library
System for the class in the winning school that reads the most books and trophies for
the winning and runner up schools. For more information, you may call the Dr. and
Mrs. J.F. Adams Memorial Library at 615-563-5861 or the Auburntown Public Library
on Wednesdays at 615-464-2622. Good luck to all Cannon County Students!