Today's Chat


If you have ever noticed...this short phrase: IT IS WHAT IT mentioned more often than not with each passing day.

Actually, we use this phrase when we have no answer for the situations that are tossed at us continually. This short phrase accompanies the existing race for presidency, who wins the Olympics, how our job turns out, today's issues on gay marriage, abortion, immigration, healthcare, etc. Even the weather IS WHAT IT IS.

How our children turn out in issues...even down to; Who forgot to get more toilet paper?

There is a problem with using this phrase as an excuse for reality. Look at your DOG or Cat in the kitchen when you are preparing dinner.....No matter what it is....they want it. They eat it. It is what it is.

Hillary Clinton needs to BUY A DRESS and burn that forever present PANTSUIT. Trump needs to get rid of the BASEBALL CAP and change his carrot top.

Trying to be patient with the BAD joke tellers. Losing stupid little fights. Monday mornings. Losing your cell phone. Mother Nature sends a tree through your roof. Police come to your door instead of the neighbors. Running a marathon without breaking in your shoes first. Pokemon. Your ONLY toothbrush was used yesterday by your son on the DOG'S teeth, Facebook is discontinued but not before 500,000 have already learned your life history and more, teaching kids how to make explosives at school, trying to throw away an OLD boomerang, off key singers in church...especially the one who is selected to sing a solo at the pulpit (a longgg one...), missing your gym appointment for the seventh year in a row, sneezing while having diarrhea, hoping your children never find out why you say OOOPS when you are vaccuuming their room and there is that fatal moment when you have another's eye contact while eating a banana.

Are you kidding? This list goes on forever...on IT IS WHAT IT IS.

There are good things along with this phrase as well as the frustrating ones. For instance, recently a bride asks the man who now is blessed with her father's heart to walk her down the aisle. There is Our Olympics, where athletes of all ages from all corners of the world meet, get to learn about each other in a GOOD way... to compete, to congratulate, to create a positive brotherhood with all nations. It also serves a wonderful purpose of uniting the viewers with knowledge of different people all over the world and where enemies should never exist. (My only fear is that the phrase IT IS WHAT IT SHOULD NOT BE includes the possibility
of a terrorist attack. Look at the thousands of people who are participating and attending. A perfect target for what the terrorists do best. Note that I am writing this August 8th...almost a week before the Olympics have ended. I pray that nothing such as I fear ever happened.)

On a brighter note.....Have you seen the movie: BAD MOMS? I mean, aren't we moms of today trying to reflect just a little better image than that? Maybe, after the kids are OUT of the nest...but honestly...ouch !!

Aunt Polly accidentally dropped her cell phone in a rain puddle. Uncle Pete said: Well, that's that...I finally can have your attention without that thing stuck to your is what it is, Polly. She told me that she put her phone in a bowl of rice hoping it would attract Asians who will fix it.

Uncle Festus said: Oh well, it is what it he tried to control his mixed feelings while watching his mother-in-law backing toward the edge of a cliff in his new BMW.

Word has it, that Cousin Sonny's physics teacher broke up with the biology teacher. There was just no chemistry. It is what it is.

Uncle Festus called in sick one day and told his boss that his uncle had died. The next day, his boss told him that while Festus was OUT, that uncle came in looking for him. IT IS WHAT IT IS, Festus.

Do you ever feel like a Shark with a nosebleed? You keep swimming in circles... Then we have the Pessimist: Things can't get any worse. And, the Optimist : Nah, Of course they can ! It is what it is when the tombstone of a mathematician reads: He didn't COUNT on this. While reading the Politician's tombstone : He died on a cold wintry was the first time he ever had his hands in his OWN pockets.

IT IS WHAT IT IS....when your doctor finally gives you GOOD advice : Always give 100%....except when donating blood.
Life is a real charmer...we just have to be aware of what goes on about us...make correct decisions...and don't always use this phrase: IT IS WHAT IT IS as an excuse. Don't be lazy and bow out too early. Don't be the dopey shark who eats a clown and then says: something tastes funny. Avoid consequences due to the fact that you accepted lightly without question or common sense someone else's actions or decisions or opinions.

All of YOU can make a difference in this world of ours. Because if we continue to live day to day with the attitude that what we think and what we can do to make our life and the world better is just blowing in the wind .... you are WRONG. The new president isn't going to do it. Gold medals won't either. It's up to each and every one of us to speak up....and forget the passiveness...IT IS WHAT IT IS !! As mentioned before, this phrase can be a GOOD thing at times, but overall it reflects an acceptance that things are going to happen and we can't do anything about it. BALONEY!!

Don't let your kids get away with murder.
Don't accept just ONE doctor's opinion on your health issues, Go ahead and ask questions on your increase of taxes or homeowner insurance. Is your credit score REALLY that low? A mistake on your phone bill...water you pay it? or straighten it out? Just go ahead and accept that fact that your neighbor's dog barks all
night long? Put up with nosey co-workers? Obnoxious telemarketers..(.there is a number to call and delete them.) You get your car fixed and the bill is higher than what the written quote was (not an estimate)...well, straighten it out!! Stop giving away your money and losing your sanity with daily irritants that CAN be amended !! IT IS WHAT IT SHOULD BE....when YOU FIX IT!!

The guy that everyone talks about and points a finger at....just may turn out to be a great fellow. The movie or book that gathers negative criticism...just might be your cup of tea.

Plant your flowers .... over plant.... love where you live -- ignore negative neighbors .... Change your hair color....If you look good in younger fashion at 70 -- wear it....Believe that 70 is the new 50 (Stop believing that 70 is nursing home material.)

Develop a sense of humor yet understanding of the youngsters' fads and ideals. (You can keep it under wraps without freaking out on them!) IT IS WHAT IT IS....but with a mild bit of control.

I even have to love my Cousin Clarence who tells me he has his PHD.....Pizza Hut Deliveryman. Now, that guy... IS WHAT IT IS !!

Did you hear what one state official said to the another? I don't know what people have against us...we haven't done anything. (and, there we go folks....... IT IS WHAT IT IS....unless we speak up and do something about it. Your VOTE counts...your opinion counts...the TREADMILL OF ACCEPTANCE must stop!! Think about ALL THIS....wake up...only YOU can make a difference...START NOW!!

Chat with all of you next week. Take care of family and friends. School has started...slow down for those buses and children walking to and from school. Be happy...Smile...and Do your little Dance.
