Tony Cain Announces Candidacy For General Sessions Judge
Monday, November 15, 2021 12:03 pm
Local attorney, Tony Cain, announced today he is running for General Sessions Judge for Cannon County.
"I care deeply about my community, and I would like nothing more than to continue to serve, but in an even greater capacity," Cain said. "I feel confident my military service, combined with my career as an attorney and experience sitting in as Judge of the General Sessions and Juvenile Courts of Cannon County have helped to prepare me for this role. I have experience handling all the types of cases - criminal, civil and juvenile - that come before General Sessions Court. I will be fair, and I will apply the law. I will ensure the office continues to run efficiently and fluently."
Cain has served his country and community in some capacity his entire adult life. After graduating Cannon County High School, Cain enlisted in the United States Marine Corps where he served four years each of active and reserve duty. Cain is a decorated combat veteran who deployed to Iraq and fought in the Battle of Fallujah. He is accredited by the Department of Veteran's Affairs and takes pride in representing disabled veterans with filing claims.
Upon discharging from active duty, Cain worked for a Class 1 railroad, where he held positions ranging from conductor to yard supervisor. He participated in numerous disciplinary hearings as a member of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Union. He regularly utilizes this experience in his current practice, where he has litigated hundreds of complex civil and criminal cases.
While working for the railroad, Cain enrolled in the Nashville School of Law. "Between the two, I worked eighty hours a week. I've always been a hard worker. That was instilled in me by being raised in Cannon County and serving in the Marine Corps," Cain said.
"The railroad provided well for my family, but eventually I wanted a change. I wanted to spend more time with my family and get back to serving locally in my community. That's what truly drives me. My top priorities will always be God, family, country, and my community. Cannon County has always been my home and I love the people here," Cain said.
Cain interned at the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Tennessee, received the John B. Downey, Jr. scholarship, and was a member of the Harry Phillips American Inn of Court.
After graduating law school, Cain worked for Judge Royce Taylor, as the Judicial Law Clerk for the Circuit Court of Rutherford and Cannon County, Part IV, before joining McCarter | East, PLLC three years ago.
Cain is a member of the Rutherford and Cannon County Bar Association, Tennessee Bar Association, Disabled American Veterans, and National Rifle Association.
Cain and his wife, Stephanie, along with their two sons, reside in the Woodbury community and attend the Experience Community Church of Cannon County.