Hello everybody! As I am writing this two days before New Year's Eve, I am reminiscing so many events that have occurred in the past year of 2014.
So many people have commented to me that 2014 was just not a good year for them. I realize that they are speaking of the unemployment rate, a nasty flu epidemic, an unsteady guidance of government, the war in Iraq still going on and all the daily ins and outs that family and daily events bring on.
Well, we will have a better year if we all think positive, use our best judgment when we spend our money, be the best example for our children as they grow and watch us for that guidance, stay healthy and be cautious to avoid crowds of people where the flu germs spread, respect your elders and take care of your aging parents. They took care of you. Do our best at our jobs and upgrade your attitude to I want to do my share, if you have extra.. Give to others who don't have a sense of humor, laugh, smile and just be downright happy! I know it's a tall order, but if we do all these things, at least try, then we can't blame 2015 for being a crumby year. Oh yeah, that's Savannah's lecture for the week! But then again, there does come a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't jump puddles for you. Go forward as there are people who can take advantage and never recognize a true friend if it bit them in the nose! It's your call on that one!
I think our winter weather is here with some chilly days now and later. Remember to make sure your pets are warm and well fed. If they are outdoor pets, make sure they have a warm place to sleep with blankets and shelter. They are part of the family, too. Boy, we were really busy at the Short Mountain Trading Post this week end. I expected it would be, as folks had lots of visitors for the Holidays and wanted to show them the local sights. Along with our terrific sale, it was a profitable few days. The post is open if the weather permits: temperature at least 50 degrees and sunny. It's always safe to call me at 615-464-7824 to double check before you come out.
Otherwise, our winter hours are 11:00 to 4:00 on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. We are presently offering booth space to craftspeople or collectors of all kinds. Call me at the number above to reserve your space. Our first Flea Market celebration will be scheduled for April, so get your items ready to sell. No charge for a space and all monies that you collect are yours. We are just happy that all of you participate and enjoy being part of our monthly events.
Well, before I sign off for now, I will give you update on Festus and Clyde. Festus gave Clyde one of those gag plunger rifles for Christmas. Clyde thought it was for shooting moles in the ground and then sucking them out of their borrows with the plunger part. All I can say, is that it certainly kept him busy most of the day and out of our hair. (I do have the video, if you want a good laugh!)
Festus gave his wife Clara the diamond ring that she asked for: a piece of coal wired to a cigar band. When she complained, he said, It certainly is a diamond ring, you just gotta apply pressure for the next 200 years and presto, your diamond. The last thing I saw was that Clara had shown Festus a better use for that plunger rifle of Clyde's! Martha gave Clyde the usual moonshine from Short Mountain Distillery, so he would pass out early in the game. Clyde gave everybody gift cards to the Roadside Kill Café. Ooops, some how mine fell into the fireplace. I guess that raunchy coon, opossum and polecat stew will have to wait until next year. Cousin Clem handed out fireworks for New Year's Eve. They actually looked like sticks of dynamite with clocks on them. Thank goodness, I will be elsewhere and not with this group that evening. I said my final good byes and hurried home.
Ok folks, like I said, the new year of 2015 is all up to us as to how successful it turns out. Do your best and keep smiling. Come see us at the at the Post. Chat with you next week.
Hugs, Savannah