The members of Woodbury First United Methodist Church are putting together “health kits” for the relief effort in Haiti. These kits contain basic necessities like, a wash cloth, a hand towel, soap, tooth brush, comb, etc. These kits will be packed up by the church members and shipped out for delivery to Haiti this week.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is already on the ground working in Haiti. In fact, the head of UMCOR, Rev. Sam Dixon, and the head of United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, Rev. Clint Rabb were in Haiti when the earth quake hit and both of them lost their life in the destruction of the Hotel Montana. The United Methodist Church had 6 Volunteer in Mission teams serving in Haiti at the time of the quake. All of them survived except for one member of Highland Park UMC in Dallas.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief and a host of other faith-based groups are on the ground in Haiti as they determine how to assist earthquake survivors. With more than $2 million in donations received by Jan. 20, UMCOR already has provided emergency grants to the Methodist Church of Haiti and Global Medic, a Canadian relief agency, to address immediate needs. An assessment team made up of representatives from UMCOR, the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries and United Methodist Communications was gathering in the Dominican Republic Jan. 20 and preparing to enter Haiti. Other United Methodist- supported organizations, including Church World Service, Action By Churches Together International and Stop Hunger Now, also are responding with aid.