Woodbury Lions Club to offer free eye screenings in Oct.

The Woodbury Lions Club has been serving the community of Cannon County since its beginning in 1935. When Helen Keller spoke at a Lions Club International Convention in 1925, Lions took her challenge of being the Knights of Sight and making it one of the primary missions.

Lions around the world, screen eyes, help indigent receive eye exams and glasses, recycle glasses for third world countries, assist with magnification readers for those having limited vision but want to read and see pictures better, buying white canes for those who are legally blind, and helping those who qualify to receive a Leader Dog at no cost.

Lions support centers such as World Services for the Blind in Little Rock, Arkansas and Tennessee School for the Blind in Donnelson, Tennessee. The Lions of Middle Tennessee also help fund needed eye surgeries at Vanderbilt Eye Center and assist in getting cataract surgeries.

The Woodbury Lions Club each year assist the school health system by screening the children's eyes of the grades 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th during their health check at the schools. The Woodbury Lions Club receives the eye screening equipment each year from the first through the 15th of October. This year the schedule for the machines use is as follows:

October 1: Woodbury Grammar

October 2: Cannon County Correction Facility

October 3: Woodland Elementary and 7th Day Adventist Private School

October 7: East Side Elementary and Short Mountain Elementary

October 8: S. A. V. E. and Stones River Recovery facilities

October 9: Cannon County Senior Citizens Center Health Fair

October 10: West Side Elementary and Auburn Elementary

October 14: Lions Memorial Building open for home schoolers and public

On October 14 the Lions Club building will be open for eye screening for the general public and home schoolers for a free screening. Along with the eye screeners, they will have a KidsSight instrument which can do a digital reading of a child's eyes age 12 months up to 71 months old.