The Woodbury Police Dept. will be conducting safety and sobriety checkpoints on Friday, December 18, 2009. The checkpoints will be held on Highway 53 and Highway 70 within the limits of the Town of Woodbury.
"We intend on doing all we can to insure the safety of those who will be traveling over the holidays," Woodbury Police Chief Tony Burnett said. "Officers who work these roadblocks will be paid through a grant provided by the Governors Highway Safety Office."
Governor's Highway Safety Office
The Governor's Highway Safety Office (GHSO) is Tennessee's advocate for highway safety. This office works with law enforcement, judicial personnel and community advocates to coordinate activities and initiatives relating to the human behavioral aspects of highway safety.
The GHSO's mission is to develop, execute and evaluate programs to reduce the number of fatalities, injuries and related economic losses resulting from traffic crashes on Tennessee's roadways.
The office works in tandem with the National Highway Safety Administration to implement programs focusing on occupant protection, impaired driving, speed enforcement, truck and school bus safety, pedestrian and bicycle safety and crash data collection and analysis. Programs administered by the Governor's Highway Safety Office are 100% federally funded.
Governor's Highway Safety Office — Booze It & Lose It!
Booze It & Lose It is designed to reduce impaired driving injuries, fatalities, & associated economic losses. The Booze It & Lose It campaign provides for increased law enforcement efforts and public service messages to accomplish its goal. The intervention targets all drivers who are impaired due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Impaired driving and impaired-related crashes constitute one of the nation’s leading health problems. These events result in more deaths each year than do total homicides, and alcohol is a factor in 35% of all crashes in the United States.
Governor's Highway Safety Office — Click It or Ticket
Every hour, at least one person in this country dies because he or she didn’t buckle up. Failure to use a seat belt contributes to more fatalities than any other single traffic safety-related behavior.
• More than 70% of vehicle occupants killed in crashes in Tennessee were not wearing a safety belt. Research shows it’s almost nine times safer to wear your safety belt.
• Unrestrained children are 4.2 times more likely to die in a crash than restrained children. Less than 1% of children properly restrained were killed.
Tennessee’s local and state law enforcement officials work strenuously to educate every Tennessean through the Click It or Ticket campaign as to the necessity of seat belt usage by utilizing safety checkpoints and public information messages.