MURFREESBORO — Sixth District Congressional Candidate Lou Ann Zelenik has condemned President Obama's failure to appear at the upcoming Memorial Day Services at Arlington National Cemetery. The annual ceremony takes place at the Tomb Of the Unknowns, and it is traditional for the President of the United States to lay a wreath at the tomb.
Once every year our nation takes one day to mourn and recognize the sacrifices of those who gave their all to defend our freedoms. Apparently our current president has decide that a little down time is more important. It is a travesty of immense proportions that the commander in chief has decided to skip out on the ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery.
Our fighting men and women deserve much better. While he leads our nation in two wars, sending soldiers to die every day, Obama plans in advance a vacation to Illinois. Now he has had to schedule a "quickly" ceremony in that state to try to deflect the outrage over his callous snubbing of the armed forces. It is easy to understand why he is so unpopular among the ranks of officers and enlisted. It certainly helps explain the very cool reception he received at West Point.
It has been my honor to serve on the board of directors of "A Soldiers Child" which honors children of fallen soldiers on their birthdays. Recently I was wrapping a present for a child in Virginia. I will never meet the child, but I honor his father's memory. That same little boy deserves, and our military deserves, a president who understands their sacrifice, and believes that the country they fight to defend is really the greatest country on earth. Sadly, none of us have that now. This entire episode exposes the lack of empathy the current president has for genuine sacrifice and devotion to duty."
Zelenik is campaigning for the Republican nomination for the congressional seat being vacated by Bart Gordon. She is a former Chair of the Rutherford County Republican Party, and was a key organizer for last year’s Tea Party protests, including a rally in Murfreesboro which drew over 3,000 people. She announced her candidacy last fall to take on Gordon, and he announced his retirement shortly thereafter.
Anyone interested in her campaign can stop by the headquarters at 416B Medical Center Parkway, Murfreesboro TN, 37129 or call (615) 962-7716.
For more information on Lou Ann Zelenik please check out