Hallean Tate of Marshall Creek Road, Auburntown, is ready for her 85th birthday on Halloween, her favorite celebration.
If you're not feeling spooky on Halloween Night, just go to Hallean Tate's house on Marshall Creek Road in Auburntown. Hallean was born on Halloween Day, October 15, 1932, in the King Holler of Hurricane Creek Road. Her parents, Claude and Jeffie (Stoner) King, named her after Halloween. On Halloween morning, she will awaken to the age of 85. Hallean's energy and zest for living is no trick and is beyond many others her age.
Halloween has always been one of Hallean's favorite celebrations and she stays home to celebrate with her spooks. Halloween is her birthday party and nobody is going to take her away. Her house is decorated throughout with all kinds of Halloween decor. She even has a Halloween tree decorated with bright orange lights. Crafty ghosts, goblins, and witches are gathered at the front door entrance; one screams dramatic Halloween music.
Dressed in witch and wolf man costumes, Hallean and her grandson David Tate greet trick or treaters. But her spooks understand Hallean is a sweet spirit and all her treats are safe and tasty. A former spook reported she and her friends always included Hallean on their Halloween tour for full-sized candy bars. "I still pass those out but children have to choose between a candy bar and a canned soda because I cannot afford both," reported Hallean. She will average between 50 and 75 spooks every year.
Hallean graduated from Auburn High School in 1951 and married Elmus Tate in July 1952. They moved to Hamond, Indiana for employment. Three children were born to this union, Roger (Janet) Tate, Ronald Tate and Wytona (Robert) Lester. After returning to TN in 1962, they moved to Watertown for seven years. Later they purchased a farm on Marshall Creek Road in Auburntown. Elmus died in April 1990.
Hallean was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1992. After extensive surgery with follow up chemotherapy and radiation, she lapsed into a coma and was unconscious for nine days. Hallean had stopped breathing three times, when her family was summoned to the hospital to say their last "good-byes". However, this dire situation did not progress as anticipated. As the family awaited the inevitable, Hallean suddenly sit up in bed and ask for some ice cream. After fetching her request, daughter Wytona volunteered to feed her. However, Hallean refused and insisted on feeding herself. Saint Thomas medical staff declared nobody but God could have returned her from the brink of death. There were no Living Wills during those days; so, she has lived another 25 years.
Perhaps Hallean's close death encounter helps her treasure life and enjoy adventure. This summer with her daughter Wytona Lester and her husband Robert, she traveled over 3,000 miles in the Canadian Rockies. They spent nine days sightseeing and hiking in five national parks. Hallean has visited all 50 states in the USA, and the countries of Mexico and Canada. "I get around", she said. Along with her daughter and son-in-law, Halleen has ridden a dog sled in Alaska, zip lined in Montana, parasailed in Florida, hand glided over Look Out Mountain and road an air boat through the Florida Everglades. Her next big thing is to sky dive but her family won't agree; so, it remains on the back burner for now.
On the home front, Hallean continues to live on her Marshall Creek farm purchased in 1969. Whether feeding cattle, killing rattlesnakes or gathering eggs, she "keeps on keeping on". She is a member of Auburn Baptist Church and attends three times a week. Six days a week at 5:30 AM she reports to work at JimBo's restaurant in Auburntown. Hallean will deny being Super Woman, but anyone who knows her understands she is a survivor. Hallean appreciates life and her relationship with the Creator, friends, and family. Happy 85th Birthday to Hallean Tate and Happy Halloween!