Posted on:
January 25, 2011
MURFREESBORO — Middle Tennessee State University has released the names and hometowns of students who graduated during the fall 2010 commencement ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 18, in Murphy Center on the MTSU campus.
Posted on:
January 25, 2011
A busy day in the Cannon County General Sessions Court of Judge Susan Melton Tuesday saw five people plead guilty to DUI, and three sent to jail when they showed up in court on violation of probation charges and failed drug screens.
Posted on:
January 25, 2011
TONY STINNETT, Courier Co-Editor
LIVINGSTON - Cannon County's basketball teams suffered losses in a a rare doubleheader sweep here Monday night, but in much different fashion.
Woodbury Grammar School Fourth Grade teacher David Brandon speaks about the possibility of adding a middle school to Cannon County's grade structure during the first of seven public forums on the issue Monday night.
Posted on:
January 25, 2011
KEVIN HALPERN, Courier Co-Editor
Cannon County Schools officials were hoping to receive feedback from citizens when they scheduled a series of public forums to discuss the idea of adding a middle school to the county's grade structure.$element(poll,poll,49)$
Posted on:
January 25, 2011
Donny Green, County Executive Director of the Cannon County Farm Service Agency, announces that annual payments for the Tobacco Transition Payment Program, for the 2011 payment year, were released last week.
Posted on:
January 25, 2011
Winter Weather Advisory in effect until noon CST today. Winter Storm Warning is cancelled.