The 7th Annual Celebration of Spring will be held at Edgar Evins State Park on Saturday, April 11th. It will be a full day of fun for families and individuals beginning with a wildflower hike with Randy Hedgepath, the TN State Naturalist at 8:30 A.M..
There will be other hikes, a door prize valued at $60, live entertainment, face painting, crafts making with Girls Scout Troop 1146, relay games with prizes, kite flying, Dutch Oven demonstrations with samples by Boy Scout Troop 875 and more. All will be free except concessions and pontoon boat rides. The boat rides will be $2 per person. (Sorry, no children under 3 years of age on the boats and minors must be accompanied by an adult.). Signups for the boat rides will be on a first come, first serve basis, at the registration table in front of the Visitors Center, which will be the hub of the day's offerings. However, there will be in-park transportation from the Visitors Center for the boat rides and any activities that will take place in other locations. Bring your lunch and plan to stay for the day or come for a while. This is an inexpensive opportunity to spend a day outdoors celebrating the coming of spring with friends and family.
For those who wish to make this an overnight or weekend outing there are cabins and camping in the park. Reservations are required although they are easy to make through the website https://tnstateparks.itinio.com/edgar-evins/ If you need help contact the park office at (931) 858-2114 or toll free at 1-800-250-8619.
For more about the event or Friends of Edgar Evins State Park, the sponsoring organization of park volunteers, please visit the website, http://foeesp.alturl.com or look on Facebook for friendsofeesp