Students from a government class at Cannon County High School was invited to the city meeting by Mayor Patrick. Left to right are; A.J. Howell, April Stembridge, Dillon Ball and Christopher Warrick.
First order of business was to approve last meetings minutes. All agreed to approve the minutes.
Next the council approved a resolution authorizing the Mayor to submit an application to the TN. Department of Economic and Community Development Grant Program (CDBG), and too enter into and execute all necessary agreements. This passed unanimously.
Consider adoption of Ordinance NO. 428 on first reading, an ordinance to rezone approximately 1.5 +/- acres, located on Murfreesboro Road, from R-1 Residential to C-3 Commercial. The request was made from Mr. William B. Smith of the Smith Funeral Home. This was recommended by the City Planning Commission on November 7, 2009.
Next item was to consider adoption of Ordinance No/ 429 on first reading, an ordinance to update the Town of Woodbury Water and Sewer Department cross connection policy as recommended by the State of Tennessee, Division of Water Supply. This is to insure that there is not any chance of contaminated water into the city water system.
In other business the Mayor introduced 4 students from the High School which he had given a lecture to at their government class and offered them a chance to come watch government in action. Mayor Patrick asked them to come back at another meeting. As there was no more business the meeting was adjourned.