Start 2020 by signing up to participate in the annual New Years Day Lazy K Run Make fitness a part of your.... 20/20 Vision. Come join us at Dillon park to run or walk together on New Year's Day. You can run a 5k (3.1 miles) or a 10k (6.2 miles). You can also walk a mile or more on the track. We want to bring in the new year with health and fitness in mind
50 Lazy K Medals are ready for the 1st 50 participants to sign up and show up for the 2020 Lazy 5 or 10 K run / walk New Year's Day 10 am at Dillon Park Woodbury.
Link to Register:
We will again have 50 of Cannon County's "finest" medals for the first 50 people to sign up. There is no cost!! This is just a community running event.