Middle Tennessee Natural Gas Company presents American Legion Post 279, Woodbury with a check for $400.00. Middle Tennessee Natural Gas has signed on as a major sponsor for Post 279 to support their drive in establishing an annual Kansas City Licensed and Sanctioned Bar-B-Q Cook-Off Event for Cannon County.
On October 6, 2012 we plan to have a licensed KCBS Bar-B-Q Cook-Off at the Cannon County Fair Grounds. This event is the second year of a three year process to attain the status of a fully licensed and sanctioned Kansas City Bar-B-Q Society (KCBS) Cook-Off event similar to the one conducted annually in Lynchberg, Tennessee.
Letters have been sent out asking for your support as a major sponsor and for donations. All businesses, civic organizations and individuals that sign on as a major sponsor of $250.00 or more will be listed on the American Legion Post 279 Website for one year. Those making donations will also be listed on the Website.
A fully licensed and sanctioned KCBS Bar-B-Q Cook-Off Event will bring in the "Big Boys of Bar-B-Q Competition," the professionals in the Bar-B-Q competition throughout the United States.
Our goal is to make this special event our major annual fund raising event similiar to the truly outstanding annual fund raising event sponsored by the Woodbury Lions Club, the Annual Woodbury Lions Club Horse Show.
We hope that you will stand with us and give us your full support to make this a great annual event for Cannon County. 100% of all funds raised by American Legion Post 279 stays in Cannon County to support our great community, our youth, our Veterans and their families, and those who need special help.