The 2017 Off The Beaten Path Studio Tour goes right through northern Cannon County and stops in Auburntown. On Highway 145, a unique craft studio sits atop the hillside just above Odom Cemetery at 189 Sundrifter Lane. The studio belongs to fiber artist Kathryn Faille and is one of 15 studio stops during a three-day tour of artist studios from Cannon and DeKalb Counties.
Scheduled for October 27-29 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, this is the sixth year Kathryn has showcased her craft. Off The Beaten Path Studio Tour, provides handcrafted shopping and on-site interaction with individual artists; some will be demonstrating their craft.
Inside Kathryn Faille's studio workshop, you will find her designing and creating most every day but Sunday. The space transports a visitor into the world of fine art. Colorful fibers, fabrics, natural materials, papers, dyes, and finished products adorn tables and wall space. During Off The Beaten Path Studio Tour, Kathryn will be hosting three of her artist friends. They include Anne Rob-jewelry; Eva Berg-fibers; and Ken Hobson-watercolor. The tour is a perfect family outing and free to the public.
Kathryn and her husband Ed, purchased thirteen acres and built a home in Auburntown 15 years ago. Their relocation from South Carolina to Tennessee a few years earlier was connected to Ed's employment with Carrier Corporation. They are both now retired with Kathryn doing what she always liked best--creating.
For weaving, Kathryn uses an eight-shaft floor loom that accommodates a variety of different natural yarns. She also hand dyes many of the yarns used to weave scarves, shawls, rugs, and fabrics. The fabrics are sewn into unique handbags and wall pieces.
Kathryn is always learning and finding new and different ways to create. Within the past couple years, she began to use an eco-friendly process of printing using certain flowers and leaves. With Eco printing, the image of leaves and flower are transferred to silk fabric or paper. The resulting fabric and paper are used to produce handbags, scarves, and wall pieces as well as smaller items such as cards and coin purses. Every piece is one of a kind in the patterning of the prints.
Off The Beaten Path Studio Tour on October 27, 28 & 29 is free and a full weekend tour of 30 artist located at 15 open studios. This year's event includes the Kathryn Faille Designs studio in Auburntown. For more information and an interactive map visit offthebeatenpathtour.com