WOODBURY - Cannon County Schools announced on Monday, February 25th, 2019 that an outstanding individual and leader was chosen to be Cannon County's representative for Supervisor of the Year!
Supervisor of the Year 2018-2019 for Cannon County Schools is Mrs. Bonnie Patterson. She was honored at a Staff Meeting of all Central Office Personnel on Monday, February 25th, 2019 to announce her selection as Supervisor of the Year for Cannon County by Director of Schools William F. Curtis. Mrs. Patterson has served Cannon County for the past thirty-eight years. During her tenure with the school system, she has served the children of Cannon County as a teacher at Woodland School, Woodbury Grammar School, Cannon County High School, Cannon County High School Assistant Principal, and was Principal at Woodbury Grammar School before assuming her current position as the district's Attendance Supervisor and Coordinated School Heath Supervisor. Mrs. Patterson is married to Mr. Eddie Patterson and they reside in Centertown, TN. They have three grown children - Megan, Clint, and Kaitlin and five grandchildren.
Director of Cannon County Schools Mr. William F. Curtis stated, "Mrs. Bonnie Patterson is one of the most giving and caring individuals that I have known in education. As Attendance Supervisor she deals with students, parents, other agencies, and the juvenile court system." Juvenile Court Judge Susan Melton recently stated, "Mrs. Patterson is a 'jewel' and aids the court in working with families through difficult circumstances." Director Curtis further stated, "I am dependent on Mrs. Patterson on multiple issues because of her tremendous expertise from safety issues to family issues regarding students. She was instrumental in the recent establishment of a Pre-Truancy Hearing where parents/guardians meet with Judge Melton before having to go to actual Juvenile Court regarding truancy. Cannon County Schools are extremely fortunate to have a person such as Mrs. Patterson and her skills in our School System."
The Cannon County Board of Education offers congratulations to this wonderful and deserving educator. She will be representing Cannon County Schools in the Upper Cumberland CORE Region of Tennessee. We honor Cannon County Schools Supervisor Mrs. Bonnie Patterson for personifying the Mission and Vision of Cannon County Schools - "Preparing All Students for Their Future" through the New E3 = "Engaged in Excellence Every Day!"