Amazing Wonders Aviation VBS Team: (L to R) Seated Vickie Puckett, Iva Dell Randolph, Christi Colwell, Katherine Pack, Suzanne Gash, Melissa Cripps and Lisa Fluty. Standing: Steve Puckett, Jeff Cripps, Andrew Colwell, Maria Nichols, Jenny Sissom, Carter Rogers, Wm (Bill) Gash, Chris Summers, Buck Barton and Pam Northcutt.
“Fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride”, will welcome kids this summer to the “Amazing Wonders Aviation” Vacation Bible School (VBS). Flight attendant leaders will “take off” on April 21st at Woodbury First Baptist Church. On this date, a 25 member team will train Salem Baptist Church leaders representing 31 churches in the association.
During summer VBS, kids will fly to some of the world’s greatest natural wonders as they encounter an awesome God and His amazing power. The first stop each day will be Bible Study at Victoria Falls. This giant wall of water in Africa is also known as “The Smoke That Thunders.” I
n this awe-inspiring setting, kids will explore the Bible and discover more about God’s amazing power over nature, circumstances, sin, death and life itself! Their journey continues to Northern Lights, Great Barrier Reef, Matterhorn in Swiss Alps, and the Grand Canyon in Arizona and Paricutin Volcano in Mexico.
Amazing Wonders Aviation (AWA) volunteers recently participated in pre-flight training. As test pilots, they crafted paper airplanes containing answers to some personal questions. The team had nearly 300 total years working with VBS children.
18 leaders attended VBS as a child and only 2 delayed making a profession of faith until adulthood. Getting to share Christ in a fun way, demonstrating God’s love in the community, seeing the smiling faces of children and experiencing God’s power was the most appreciated elements of their VBS leadership experience.
Salem Association VBS leaders of Cannon & Dekalb Counties and Lake Wood in Coffee are encouraged to attend the 4-21-12 pre-flight training on April 21st at Woodbury First Baptist Church. Children will soon be boarding the Amazing Wonders Aviation VBS.